Part Seven: The Victim of Travesty...

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Description: Something that is within a totality rate full of nothing more than a HUGE brimful flaw full of "travesty" itself! Is nothing more too bear, essentially alone with... When self in the very details, for "sense" too be this VERY vague and trivial mark on your very total embodiment...isn't (forevermore) made to be "reckoned" from right off the bat.

Being a victim of travesty is not the lackluster of chance... But for the molding of a single individualistic impression that creates "havoc" in the most right of places for shame too take the advancement towards a single order from it's commanding officer... Strife itself!

Strife, being what it could have both (been or done) up until this entire point in time (throughout the entirety of this entire matter)... Is nothing more than what a simulation for "abrupt flaws" plays for keeps...when the (supposed) order of business isn't strikingly within the odds of such a disappointed flaw! A flaw that isn't as important, when it's entirely reduced too pieces of literal scrap metal! Fleeing pieces of unimportant debris that isn't likely to change, anytime soon.... Mostly because everything up until this exact point in made to reason the such appropriate logical claim to a (supposed) advanced desire, for a single identity to complete its even truer reasoning "for why strife is like a simulation for abrupt flaws?"

Well, they aren't...from some remedial standpoint... Where it's exactly as it would have been implied, so to speak. Nevertheless, they do have a standard statement about simply "having A LOT in common". And that is when you perceive this VERY (seemingly) strange sense of perception (and a newer one in fact)... Isn't out too play for keeps, (as it's simply "not meant too...right off the bat"). Mostly because, when something is truly meant to be the very thing that simply (plays for keeps), it's because none for being the wiser doesn't compete (not towards), but against the logic...pleasantly as can be!

But why is ALL of this just now coming out of the blue (here and now, so "suddenly" like)...? Because, nothing is truly more prepared, for a sense of self too not be (prepared)...when the very sense of perception is even MORE strange to the very one you (as a fully equipped sense of self) have yet too simply come to terms within ALL it's glory (for a sense to become the very "victim of travesty")!

You see, everyone... A victim of travesty is meant to forward such an impression upon the logical fallacy, that is this very sense of perception itself. Because it seems, while crossing certain thresholds (as you saw in the precious part)... A contract that was made with your very sense of self, had now been broken and torn up! Seemingly now and forevermore... Has now been spat out and "repeatedly" stepped on, until you were finally able to (not be eternally caught from within). When coming to some type of basics about what it could be like from again (now and forevermore) deep within your very self...? I can't tell ANYONE that! Since it's for you too be the ONLY ONE who could make "peace" with a self that is not within the "text for context". You know... The very art of self that isn't "surmised" very well...when it comes to "financing" such specifics that have yet to understand its own (supposed) category.

When all that comes to "benefiting the very witness of light".... Meaning benefitting a very "profaned" witness (so to speak) in complete and utter "light". Actually, this very witness is literally covered in such a light that just... RADIANTS!!! That it's not even funny when finally figuring out (that they aren't just splashed by the damn light)! As if it's hinting at it's very "lit" impression for being entirely "forsaken" right off the bat... Nope. Except for when this very lit impression for being entirely forsaken isn't literally "chastised" for being either "disgruntled" because either version of itself isn't what it seems too be. Or, it's just something completely different from when this very (witness of light) has yet to complete the very burden of not being so delusional in a light for simply ("knowing too much")! Because it simply has been. As it's (also) been basking in that very impressionable light itself! For how it came to simply "know too much"...

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