Part Eight: The Ins and Outs of An Unmanaged Flaw...

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Description: An unmanaged flaw doesn't lie... Unless it's because you have yet to officially write the very wrongs, that (they themselves) can't begin to know how too mend "back together again"! For they are apart of an invention that stems them into the right direction, for the absolutely wrongful of reasons that bashes themselves into a chaotic mess! Simply making it the goings-on around here...and there....

When it comes to being the very cemented fragmentation that's now been entirely forced (out of oneselves very willpower) in order to become something that which ("they are not") and were NEVER (supposedly at first thought) meant too become from the very beginning! All so they can then dive deeper and deeper into a (seemingly) "solitude" like state, where the very laws of oneselves (input wise) like hinges, won't begin to want too "detest" the very situation even further...

Mostly because if you ever did, then it'd cost you your very freedom and willpower as a ! After all, you can't EVER detest...from which you can't EVER begin too understand when trying to handle the very situation (that costs more than your very own lively hood), essentially could EVER bear! (Especially if it's too be at one single time...and nothing more after that!) And I don't just mean your obvious embodiment (sense of self), which is your oblivious pension towards the very reckoning as a now more inner "universal" whole... But more too the very boundary conditions that don't last long...when something (not too you're very liking) "twists and turns" the very limitations at which your (supposedly) now meant too experience at will....

Because that's the newer reality for you (here and now)! A pension that had begun too capture its own freeze-frame. Or (more specifically) the very freeze-frame that was triggered (on purpose) in order to become "captured" itself! Basically, meaning that your entire sense of self had now just become, well... Frozen! Frozen in place! By not (also being frozen, literally)... It's just a simple expression based entirely off of the "vital" impression at which your entire embodiment began too freeze in place (right then and there)! Something rippling the very fabric of your being into something too "disable" ALL bodily functions in a (seemingly) never-ending source of silence! Silence that hangs over its own self, when truly never understanding that the very first effect of a breaking of a sense of self had just took place.

Every bodily process had begun too freeze (by not also moving a single motion). As if a simulation for "motion of change" had begun to collapse ALL around it's very self, where chance itself (being something that has purpose in the unmanaged areas) would also, collapse...on the spot!

An unmanaged area doesn't take kindly too strangers literally getting plunged straight on into an area (that's meant specifically for you). Yet, you're not entirely supposed to be here, either...

So... What gives, if your "meant" too simply be here. While also not meant too be here...all at the exact "same time"...??!!

Well, you're not supposed to know, quite frankly... Just as it's more logically gripping at your very heartstrings, for nothing too make (prior) sense, where entirely (afterwards) your very arrival here and now had become the grim reality as your "current" future destiny! Especially when you NEVER had a choice in the matter. Because your entire sense of self, had lost its very sense, altogether. (A nonvisual speaking.) Where it has now shrunk in volume towards the velocity of an entire nervous system (that has also "shrunk" in volume, as well)... Making everything entirely "unhinged"...right down too the very individual components that make up both (who and what "we are"), essentially speaking.

Now with both volume (in the very details) and the velocity (towards how the very functionality would vary in both size and shape)...

Nothing is now prematurely ready for giving up the very benefits of what it'd take for (one thing after a "freaking" another thing) just too give into the actuality of this very "impending" scenario

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Nothing is now prematurely ready for giving up the very benefits of what it'd take for (one thing after a "freaking" another thing) just too give into the actuality of this very "impending" scenario. Because remember... Full on scenarios are truly the impending vice that (doesn't need too truly become "punctured" from deep inside itself). All so it could very well be the surrounding gimmick (from deep within itself on a very well-known "purposefully" order of conduct). An order of conduct that doesn't prove reasons "validly" wrong, just in order too "puke up" the very (wrongs to the very way of doing things) for them to then "misshapen" themselves as a newly founded and "globally" fitting/governing whole.

With that being said, this is where the very "finality" of truer words (than what was just said) had gone into a sort of (prolonged and drawn-out) state. A state that is said to be something closest to the very sequence of events that'd trade "conquest" for "companionship" in a heartbeat! legitimately speaking. Just so you won't be alone when the very experiences situation for "now turned engagements" begins...

For what comes next, is the very sequence of events that are ALL the more "foreboding"... Foreboding, when going from deep within the very impending source of "creativity" itself! Creativity that doesn't surround itself with the utmost "suppression" of an impression towards the logic that's truly "dying"! Without the truer words (that was just said moments ago) from costing you even more of a stroke of luck, anymore. Because luck as we know it best, is utterly "directionless". Meaning it has NO...direction. None! Zip!! NADA!!!

And for something too not have direction... Is a plea without a wishful spirt from blessing its very moments of structure from the entire downward stroke of sensing the transpiring passing of oneselves entire construct of sensibility itself? Both literally and figuratively speaking.

However way you want to put it in words or exchange expressions (for time itself) or even impression the very chance for luck to actually not have the very "disembodied" outcome (it seems too ALWAYS have) in the very end... It doesn't matter. Because sooner or later, your going too be the very "victim" (so to speak) towards the very one who would and "should" define your very (now turned engagements). Or is it completely the other way around...? (Not your now turned engagements, when that's the simulation towards your own experience as an inner "universal" whole...???)

So, with all that said and done... What are we left with towards the very hint of this very passage tonight, that bends the very focus of this very explanation, who's very simulation for "descriptions" doesn't (ultimately) pave the way for even more tones of illogical means to an end?

Because again, (ultimately), this is just an in-between sort of contemplative state, where the very ins and outs of an unmanaged flaw, doesn't come with the fitting revelations of nurturing contempt. When it's fully manageable in it's very uncompassionate state.

Then why does it come with the "too good for itself" flaw...?

Because it has every right to be this flaw. Just as it is this flaw. Plain and simple.

And if you think there's some bigger reasoning (right or wrong) developing feature, who's functionality hadn't been claimed, rightfully, for either the ("picking or taking")... Then you're entirely underestimating the very visual representation of the obvious signs that come out too find you still in "peril". When its own self, is NEVER left in the dark, for something that (isn't...beyond its own control), first.

So, while you may think you are this possibly unmanaged flaw that's (seemingly) directed right at you... Your sorely mistaken, yet again! It's not that you are an unmanaged flaw... But for the literal ins and outs for you too simply find out (first and foremost). For how the very rest of your very nonpaved grounded levels, (are those very "unmanaged flaws") itself. (For now, anyways...) Instead of just directly stating you are. Which (classically speaking)... Is exactly the same thing. There's just many, many parts of what it takes too seed yourself into those very itsy-bitsy droplets of detestable pulses of data, where whose very (now newly discovered clusters of information) becomes the now bearing prominent invention of your entire construct.

An invention that is called the "inside out stasis"!  

An invention that is called the "inside out stasis"!  

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