Foolish Heart

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Kate keeps on dialing Jeric's phone number on her phone but her call always failed. Maybe, his phone is out of battery or turned off. She tried contacting him over and over again but it's still the same outcome. She started crying, ignoring the weird stares she got from those people passing by her. 

Kate is currently sitting on a waiting chair outside the movie theater. Tonight, she and Jeric should have a movie date but the latter didn't came on their meeting place nor answered her call or messages on the phone.

 "Where are you, Jeric? Why you didn't come to meet me tonight? Did I do something wrong? Why?" She keeps on asking herself while crying. Her phone beeps. She was so happy after reading Jeric's contact name. She opened his sent message excitedly, but her heart broke into million pieces after seeing the sent picture.

 Jeric and an unknown girl cuddling on the bed.

 They are both wearing clothes but Kate can't stop overthinking. She read the message attached to it. 

'Candace and I get back together. I hope you will be happy for us. Thanks for being my rebound for the past few weeks. You're the best. 😉'

 Kate gripped her phone tightly, then started crying again. She's so stupid for thinking that Jeric will really love her, without using her as a rebound. She's such a fool for falling in love with the wrong person. 

She phone called Carlos, but he is not picking up his phone also. She keeps on redialing until her call finally be answered. 

"Carlos? Where are you? Can you come to me right now? I need you so badly. Please?" She heard a deep sigh, and a few seconds passed before she heard an unfamiliar voice. "I'm sorry but Carlos is fast asleep right now." 

She frowned. "Who are you? Why did you answer his phone?" 

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to, but you keep on calling leaving me no choice but to answer it. His loud ringtone is disturbing other customers here." 

Kate glared. Who is this girl who had the guts to answer her phone call for Carlos?

 "Who are you? And where is Carlos? Who the hell are you?!" She can't help but raised her voice. She's nervous whoever this girl who answered her best friend's phone. 

"Calm down, Carlos' princess. This is Jade. I'm Carlos' new friend so don't worry. He's in good hands tonight, okay?"

 Kate felt her heart aching. 'Why Carlos never told her about this girl? They both promised to never hide secrets to each others. 

She ended the phone call, then run outside the mall. Her heart felt so heavy and painful because of Jeric and Carlos, the two people she thought will always protect her and make her happy forever.


 "Why you did that, Carlos? Why you asked me to answer that call for you?" Jade asked confused. She and Carlos are currently on a public park sitting on the swings next to each others.

 Carlos took a deep sigh, then stare on the ground. "I- I don't want to hear her voice. I know that if I heard it, I will just run back to her tonight." 

Jade didn't say anything, but just studied his facial expression. She then realized something. "You're in love with your own bestfriend, Carlos." 

He looked back at her with a shock look on his face. "Am I too obvious? If I am, then... Why she never noticed my love for her?"

"Maybe... She's thinking that what you showed to her is just a platonic love. Maybe, she noticed your feelings for her, but just didn't want to give another meaning to it." Jade said, looking away from him. She looked up, then smiled at the starry night sky. 

"The night is too beautiful, Carlos. Why don't you try to forget about your princess tonight and just enjoy? Only tonight." She looked back at him, then smiled. "I-I will do everything just to make you happy, Carlos."

 He looked at her who gave him a warm smile, then gently hold his right hand. 

"All I want to do is to watch your smile, Carlos. That's why you should always smile whenever we're together, okay?" Jade said. 

Carlos is still confused in Jade's actions tonight, but just nodded his head. He really wants to smile and be happy not just for tonight. Especially if Kate will be by his side.


A/N: Don't hesitate to leave me a feedback as long as it's not rude and hateful. Thanks. 🤞

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