'Please write to me as much as you possibly can' your mum says after kissing your forehead
'Are you sure you have everything? Your wand? Did you bring spare quills?' She says in a worried tone
'Don't worry mum, I've got everything and I'll write every week i promise' you say smiling.It's your 5th year at Hogwarts and you couldn't be less exited
when you found out you were a witch you were so happy, your mum and dad who are muggles are very supportive even through their confusion, but once you finally got to Hogwarts and sorted that all fell apart, you got Slytherin which you are proud of but most of your Slytherin classmates are very prejudice towards witches and wizards who are muggleborn, specifically Draco Malfoy a pure blood in your year who frequently likes to remind you how much of a waste of space you are, all this would be bearable if you have any friends but most of the students dislike and stereotype Slytherins to be rude, so you usually just keep to yourself and your studies.Your mum and dad wave their goodbyes to you while you get into the Hogwarts express, you laugh as they stick out like sore thumbs among all these wizard family's then turn to find an open seat, luckily you find an empty one and claim it and proceed to start reading some of your new textbooks.
After you and your fellow students arrive to Hogwarts and finish the sorting ceremony headmaster Dumbledore waves his wand making mountains of food appear on each table, you look around at everyone talking and feasting, everyone laughing and reconnecting with their friends after a summer away 'it wouldn't be bad if I tried to make friends this year I guess' you thought to yourself, you turned your head back to face your food then hear that irritating voice 'hey L/N' snarks draco, you try to ignore him
'L/N' he says louder
You look up annoyed but before you could even look at him you feel a splat of mashed potatoes being thrown at your face, you inhale in shock
'Nice one draco' snickers pansy over crabbe and goyles loud laughter
'What the hell malfoy' you say in an irritated voice, trying to hold in tears
'Expect more than that next time you filthy little mudblood' laughes draco.You get up and run out of the great hall before anyone can notice the potato's all over your face and robes to find the closet washroom, tears running down your face as you start wiping the food off.
A girl walks in and immediately notices your situation 'oh dear' she says calmly 'let me help you with that' she takes the cloth out of your hand and starts to help you wash everything off 'I'm Ginny by the way, what's your name' she says putting the cloth down 'oh I'm Y/N, thank you for helping me Ginny'
'No problem' she smiles ' how'd this happen anyways?' She's asked
You tell her everything about the bullying all the other Slytherins puts you through and the events of that night
'Merlin, I'm so sorry Y/N look from now on I'll be your friend okay? I'm gonna make sure that git gets put in his place, lemme walk you to your common room' offers ginny.Ginny walks you down to the dungeons where your common room is and tells you about her family and what it's like being in Gryffindor
You can't help but be a little jealous, she has 7 siblings and Loads of friends where you have no siblings and as of tonight you have 1 friend
'Thank you so much Ginny' you smile 'you have no idea how much this all meant to me'
'Anytime' she says playfully punching you in the shoulder
You hear footsteps running towards the two of you then appeared two identical students 'there you are gin you gave us a heart attack' says the tall ginger 'whose your friend? ' says the other giving you a confused look 'calm down you idiots, this is Y/N Malfoy and his goons were giving her a hard time so I walked her here' Ginny rolls her eyes 'these are my brothers, Fred and George'
Your heart skips a beat as you look at Them, Fred was smiling at you while George scowls Ginny
'For all we knew you could've been basilisk bait again' George says dramatically 'oh shut up will you? I'll see you tomorrow Y/N it was nice meeting you' says Ginny while her brother continues to list off everything that could've happened to her 'sorry about my brother, he's a bit of a worrier' laughs Fred
You smile awkwardly and your face turns red
'He's so cute' you thought to yourself
'I should go, it was really nice meeting you Y/N
I suspect I'll be seeing more of you' says Fred
'I hope so' you blurted then quickly covering your mouth, your face turning red 'umm I have to go!' You say before running to the Slytherin common room.Draco and his friends are on the couch laughing at what they did at dinner 'did you see her face! Covered in tears and potatoes' he laughs 'serves her right, filthy mudblood, my father says that if it were him in charge all mudbloods would be banned from this school'.
You run past draco and his goons not even bothered or thinking about what he said, face still beat red from the awkward interaction you had but smiling slightly as you realized you finally might have a friend.
You change into your pyjamas and slip into bed
'Why am I so awkward' you think to yourself, cringing again at your past actions.
You can't get The twins out of your mind, their smiles , the way they talked and their height keep coming to your mind and making you blush ' I can't wait for tomorrow' you whisper to yourself while slowly falling asleep.

Gimme love
FanficStory follows y/n as she enters her 5th year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry She's always been lonely not having any friends but this year things are gone be different She meets trouble making twins named Fred and George and her life...