Psyche! You Thought!

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Looking back at the crowd, Emery's eyes formed tears as she shook her head. The rest couldn't believe it. "It can't be true! CC can't be defeated by a measly arrow!" Michelle cried. Daniela wrapped CC's cat corpse in a blanket and gently petted her bloodied flank. "She didn't even get to fight in the war..." Daniela whispered. Most of them started to get angry and upset. "Those traitor Wildcats and that stupid Phoenix are gonna die a painful death!" Bella snapped as she wiped away tears. "I'm right with you!" Vincent snapped. "Let's just make sure we can get to the Cougar Academy... these Wildcats need to eat... and it's what CC would've wanted." Emery replied.

They simmered down and made it back to the Academy without any more problems. Mrs. Hamler came to the frontier of the school and saw the huge group. Every Cougar roared because it meant that the mission was a success. "You made it back! I'm so happy for all of you! Where's the motivation for the team?" she told them thrilled. The group was smiling, but their emotions were very much visible. "What has happened?" she asked fearing the worst. Daniela came up and handed the wrapped up bloodied corpse over to the instructor who gasped in shock. "How?" she asked. "Arrow wound." Emery replied.

Everyone looked down and tears still spilled. However, for some reason, Mrs. Hamler didn't seem fazed too much. She put her hand on CC's flank and rubbed it gently. Then she thumped her paw with her finger. "Mrs. Hamler, we've already tried everything. She's dead." Daniela cried helplessly. "Hang on," she replied. She kept thumping her paw. Suddenly the paw twitched all on its own then came a soft purr. Everyone looked up in shock as their cat friend hopped down and onto the ground stretching out and flicked her poofy black tail. "CC?" Emery cried. CC then licked her paw before transforming back into the human Phoenix she was. "CC!" they cheered and tackled their friend. "Hey cool it!" she gasped as she hugged them back. "B-But how? You literally died!" Brenna asked confused. "Cats have nine lives. That was the first one I used!" CC replied as she was helped off the ground.

"Don't you dare die on us again!" Allijah cried hugging her friend. "Ditto!" Synclaire added. "No promises!" CC replied making sure they could calm down. "Thank you, Mrs. Hamler." CC thanked as she bowed her head gently to the Academy leader. "You're welcome." she replied bowing her own head. "Wait, how did you know what to do?" Nathalie asked surprised by their instructor's quick action. "All Cougar instructors are taught how to bring kits and cats to life if they lose one of their lives. Thankfully you brought her back just in time, any more time and she would've been dead." Mrs. Hamler replied. Once everything simmered down, Mrs. Hamler turned her attention to the Wildcats who looked everything bad and took action. "Cougars, bring them all food, water, blankets, and some new clothes. Let's remember what the main mission was!" she instructed and they took action. 

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