JJ Thompson & Stephen Curry

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Rated R


I wake up and head straight towards my closet. Today is the day the day that my I'm going to play with the Golden State Warriors, during their practice. Thanks to my brother I can go practice with them. I grab my Stephen Curry Blue jersey and matching Shorts. I put on blue and yellow jordans. I do my hygeine things and Im ready to go!


I enter the training gym and instantly see Steph. I feel my face heat as we make eye contanct. Damn why does he have to be so fine. I smile and walk towards him.

"Hey sexy"

I blush" Hey wheres my bro at?"

"He's sick"

"Oh well okay then"

"Yea I guess that means your stuck with me" He winks

The startes go to the floor and I follow, Stephen is the guard, Klay the shooter, me as the small forward, David Lee as power forward, and Andrew Bogut as center. There practicing for a big game against the Cavs so Im gonna make sure to give it my all. As we begin Steph instantly hits a 3 and I smile.

"Looks like someones intersted in what Im doing" He winks again. 

We keep playing and Steph bumps into me causeing himself to fall ontop of me. He dosent get up.

"Do you like this postion"

"Nah I pefer ontop"

He grabs you and puts you ontop of him. You giggle

"I was just kidding"

He winks "So you perfer me ontop"

You giggle and get up "I dont know you tell me"

You guys continue to play and Steph continues to flirt non-stop. After you guys finish you grab your things and walk outside to your car. Your best friend Madi pulls up and you see Klay get into her car. You smile, You always suspected they had a thing for eachother.

"Good Game"

You turn around to see Steph on the other side of your car. You smile ate him.

"Thank I try"

"Anytime, So you gonna give me a ride home."

You pretend to think " Sure" You smile at him as he winks at you.

The two of you get into the car, as you drive he rubs his hands up and down your thighs. You feel his hands creep up your short legs and into your panties. He moves over towards you and starts to kiss on your neck leaving hickies. He begins to rub your clit. You pull his hand away and he stope. 

You arrive at his house.

"Well were here."

"Aren't you gonna walk me in"

You laugh "Why not"

You take out your key and walk Steph to the door. He opens it.

"You wanna come in?"


The two of you walk in. 

"Follow me, Im sure you wanna get out of those sweaty clothes."


You follow him upstairs to his room. You sit on his bed.

"So where are the clothes"

"I never said I was gonna give you any" He winks "But i'll give you something else"

He walks over to you and kisses your lips. You feel his tounge touch you begging for entrance, which you accept. Your tounges fight for dominace, but he wins. His hand slips down back to your shorts. He rubs your clit cause you to become more and more wet by the second. He insterts two fingers and moves faster and faster you let out moans in his mouth. He pulls his fingers out before you can cum.

"Noooooo Steph"

"Not yet baby"

He lays you on the bed and gets rid of all your clothes and his too. He spreads your legs apart. 

"Damn baby your so wet"

He starts moving his tounge up and down your folds. He moves up to your clit and starts sucking it as he insterts two fingers once again. Your begin to run.

"Uh uh baby"

He grabs your hips with one hand and forces you still. The pleasure is too much to handle, he moves at paces you never felt before and before you knew it you were squirting on his face. He wipes his mouth and moves up on top of you. He rubs his tip on your wet folds causing you to moan. 

"Baby stop teasing me"

He sticks his whole member in with one pump causing you to gasp. He smirks at how much control he has over your body. He grabs your hips and starts pumping hard and fast. You claw at his back as his nails dig into your hips. Your feel him going faster and you know he's close. You feel that your close too. Before you know it your both gasping at a powerful climax. 

"That was amazing JJ"

You kiss his lips and fall asleep cuddled up next to him.

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