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Caroline woke up before her friend, quietly getting out of bed and placing her crystal where it belonged. She opened her window and took a deep breathe of the fresh air, still able to smell the dew on the ground.

She sat herself at her vanity and pulled her matted hair out of her face. Tying it in a knot on top of her head, she grabbed her moisturizer and begun to apply a layer. She grimaced at her dry skin and added more, rubbing the balm in until her face felt sleek.

She then applied lip balm to her chapped lips, layering it on until her lips felt numb. She hated the feeling of dry lips, mostly due to her childhood habit of picking at it when she was bored.

Beverly stirred in the bed but still managed to stay asleep. Caroline glanced to the clock, which read 10:37am, and headed for her door. She stepped into the hall and made her way to the bathroom, locking the door and pulling the curtain open.

She had figured she would take the time to wash her body, knowing washing her hair was no use if they were swimming in the Quarry. She turned on the water and let the tub fill up, sprinkling in some Epsom salt.

She took her time washing herself, knowing she wanted to look her best for Bill. It was quite embarrassing really; doing everything in her power to impress a boy. But that was what her life amounted to.

She finished and dried herself off, wrapping her self in her towel and heading back to her room. Beverly sat at the edge of the bed, running her fingers through her hair to rid the knots.

"Morning." She greeted with a yawn.

"Good morning."

Caroline made sure her towel was in tact as she sat at her vanity. Glancing at her friend through the mirror, she saw her eyes fixed on Bill scribbling something down at his own desk.

She averted her gaze, turning her attention back to herself. She pulled at her eyelids, ridding it of the gunk that had made its home there last night. She then pulled her hair out of a bun, grabbing her brush to rid itself of knots.

"What are you wearing?" The blonde asked the girl behind her.

"I just brought a dress. I figured it be easier." She answered, pulling it out of her bag.

Caroline nodded and continued to brush the knots out, stopping once it felt smooth. She grabbed her mascara and applied it, throwing it down and stood up when she finished. She headed to her closet and flipped through her clothes, settling on a white dress that hung loosely on her body.

"Oh that's cute!" Beverly gushed when she laid it on the bed.

"It's Lillian's." She admitted, heading to her dresser to grab underclothes.

"She's got good taste."

The conversation was interrupted by a bang on the girls window, signaling Bill had sent something over. Beverly hopped up quickly and ran to the window, checking what the note read.

"Change of plans. We gotta be there at 12:00." She informed, picking up her dress and walking out of sight.

Caroline nodded and pulled on her underclothes, her and Beverly's backs to each other as they dressed themselves. Once finished, Caroline headed back to her vanity to wrap a bandana around her head to finish off her look. She glanced to the clock, taking note that it read 11:08, and picked up socks that laid on her floor.

Beverly pulled on her ankle high boots and stood up, smoothing her outfit out in the mirror. Caroline slipped on her beat up Vans before checking herself in the mirror and grabbing her lipgloss.

Strawberry Lipstick// Bill DenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now