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~After a week~

Me and Tony are at the hospital for a check-up. I am kind of excited for Tony, but for him, he's nervous.

"Babe, are you okay?" I asked while we sat on the chairs, in front of the doctor's clinic. We're still waiting for our turn to go in. I held his hand as he starts to shake his legs in nervousness.

"You know, I never got to be this wreck when we're on a mission." He said. I smiled softly at him and kissed his cheek.

"You're not the only one who's scared." I said.

"Please don't think about the--"

"No, I'm not." I cut him off. He was referring about the visions.

"That's good." Tony put his arm around me and pulled me to his embrace. Just then, the door opened and we both looked at it as we saw the doctor walked out.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stark, we're ready for you..." The doctor said. I nodded my head and stand. Tony held my hand and we both went inside the room. The doctor closed the door behind us and she let us go to the examination room.

"I'm doctor Grace. Your OB-GYN. We'll have Mrs. Stark to lay down, so we can began the ultrasound. Are you ready to see your baby?" She asked us as I lay down. I looked at Tony and saw him held my hand and we both smiled big.

"Yup. We're excited to see the baby." Tony admitted.

"That's good. So, I'll put a gel on your stomach, I know you had this before.." The doctor told me. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Okay. I'm gonna check the baby." She said as she wore the gloves and she got the gel and the probe. She lifted my shirt and put the cold gel.

"Damn, it's cold.." I said. Tony just chuckled at me and he kissed my head. Then, the doctor began to look at the monitor and starts checking the baby. I looked at the monitor and tears clouded my eyes.

"Oh my gosh..." I said as I looked at my baby on the monitor.

"Yup, that's your baby." The doctor said. I looked at Tony and saw him staring straight at the monitor. I saw the end of his lips twitched into a smirk.

"When can we detect my baby's gender?" Tony asked.

"Maybe 14 weeks or 18 weeks, depending on the baby's growth." Doc. Grace said.

"I'm so excited..." Tony said while he looked at me while he's smiling big.

"Me too, babe." I said. I looked back at the doctor as she typed on the keyboard.

"How's our baby?" I asked.

"Your baby is perfectly healthy. Base on your laboratory results, both mother and baby are fine. Since you guys are scared about the complications that might trigger, but I assure you, Mrs. Stark, you and the baby are gonna be okay." Doc. Grace explained. I released a happy sighed. I looked at Tony and he kissed my forehead.

"Thank you for assuring us." I said.

"No problem." She said as she wiped off the gel from my stomach. When it was wiped off, I sat on the bed and put down my shirt. Tony instinctively helped me stand.

"Love, I can manage." I said.

"No, I wanted to help you..." Tony said.

"Okay??" I said in confusion. Before I walked out of the examination room, I felt Tony grabbed my wrist and softly turned me to him. He leaned down and kissed my lips passionately as he held my cheeks. I held his cheeks in my hands and responded to the kiss. After a couple of seconds, I slowly broke the kiss and smiled as I looked at him.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I'm just happy about this. Us, dreaming to have a family before and now, a baby is on the way. And in just a bit of time, we'll be a family of three. You, me and our baby." Tony said. I smiled at him and I kissed his cheeks.

"Love, we deserve this baby." I said as I grabbed his hand and placed it on my bump.

"This baby will be the source of our happiness and the foundation of our family. We'll both raise him or her and gave him or her the best in the world." I said.

"You're right. I'll do everything to make the world a better and safe place for him."

"Or her?" I said.

"Nope, I have the big hope that it's a boy."

"Mother's instinct." I said.

"Wanna bet?" He dared as we walked out of the examination room into the consultation room.

"Bring it on, Mr. Stark." I dared back.

"If the baby is boy, the baby's name will have Junior on his name. Then, you'll give me a special treatment." He said softly as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Tony, I can't have that. You made me preggo, remember."

"I know, but it's safe." Tony said.

"Ask my doctor about it." I said.

"But, what if the baby is girl?" I asked.

"Then, I'll do whatever you like, and I hate to tell but, no going to the lab unless, you said yes if I asked permission." Tony said as we sat on the chair.

"We'll talk later." I whispered to him and he nodded his head. The both of us looked at the doctor and she just gave me instruction, medicines and the do's and don'ts.

"Since we're here, can I ask something that would've enlighten me and Y/N?" Tony began.

"It's him not me." I defended myself.

"Oh... I get it." The doctor said.

"Cause me and Y/N were challenging each other about the baby's gender." Tony explained further. I rolled my eyes as I laid my hands on my bump. The doctor just laughed.

"The challenge might wait up until Y/N is 14 weeks, then we can see who won." The doctor began. "She's gonna be fine if you two might decide on having sex, don't worry much about the baby, but I suggest to be gentle, cause it might be a result of the rupture on Y/N."

"Got you." Tony said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Actually, I planned if you won't tell us straight away. I have a friend that will come with us about the gender reveal. She's already planning for a gender reveal party even though I'm still a few weeks." I said.

"Wow. It's alright. So, now you have your medications and instructions. I shouldn't keep you long." She said.

"Alright. Thank you." Me and Tony said as we stand. Tony held my hand and we both walked out the door and into his car.

"So, about the deal?" Tony began.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Ha.Ha!" Tony said as he wore his sunglasses. I chuckled at him. When we reached the car, he opened the car door for me and closed it. He went to his side and we buckled our seat belts. He began to drove the car and into the tower.

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