chapter 45- Picnic at the Beach

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Niall's POV

"You wanted to do a picnic and go to a beach, remember? Which one do you wanna do today?" I said. "Aww. Picnic, I guess. No. Beach.. No Picnic.. I couldn't decide" Harry said with a whine.. I chuckled to that.. "So.. What about both? A picnic at the beach?" I said.. "COOL" Harry said with wide eyes and big smile.. 

"Whenever I said, Niall couldn't surprise me anymore, you surprise me more babe.. Love u.." Harry said and kissed me.. 


Harry kept looking around, he was so curious about where we were going. There were two cars and lots of men inside them following us.. I warned them about not coming too near us.. I thought.. We could make out, or even go for 2nd round.. not need lots of eyes to watch it..

They stayed in their cars far away.. If I yelled to them or they heard a noise, they could come for us.. Zayn was so worried about these Mexicans.. He sent not one but two cars this time.. He could even send three cars or locked me up to my room, if I let him.. He was all in protective mood again.. Liked that..

Harry noticed that something was up.. He questioned it.. "What is going on? Is there a problem?" he said with concern. "Maybe. Not clear yet.. Talk about it later, ok? I just wanna enjoy your company right now" I said with a smile.. "Ok.." he said and kissed me so softly..

We got out of our car and Harry went backside of our car.. He opened the trunk and saw nothing there.. "Where is the food? Didn't u say that we are gonna do picnic?" he said. "Yes, I did.. Come on" I said with a smile.. and started to walk.. Harry closed the trunk, frowned but followed me..

The view was so beautiful.. There were lots of rocks behind the beach, there was a cafe so far away from our spot.. We were close to the rocks.. There was a long beach in front of us.. and the sea was very clear.. There was noone around.. It was a little cold actually.. That wasn't the best idea to come here at this time of the year.. But I liked here all the time.. 

Then I heard Harry gasped.. "Waoww..When..u..How..Niaaaalllllllll..." he said.. He saw the table cloth thing and the picnic baskets and wine on it.. There were some blankets in case we got cold a lot.. There were two lanterns and they both had light in them, shining.. It was afternoon now but getting darker and darker in every minute.. So I told Josh to light them up when he heard us coming.. So yeahh.. I checked Harry's reaction.. I wanna see him happy.. I need his 'happy face' right now.. 

Harry turned to me and smiled widely.. He seemed so happy that he squinted his eyes, he looked like a little cute japanese boys like that. He came closer to me and kissed me.. This time it wasn't softly.. it was with a passion.. We were so hungry for each other all the time.. Why was that? I even didn't know.. We kissed a little more and then sat on the sand..

Making out was inevitable.. That was for sure.. at this moment.. But we both tried to avoid that fact for a while.. We wanted to enjoy the view, the food.. We sat next to each other, so close.. We started to eat our food.. I poured us wine.. We enjoyed the view.. 

But we had nothing to talk about, we already knew everything.. The only new thing to talk about was the mexicans.. Harry was so curious about why there were two cars behind us this time.. He was trying to hold himself to ask about it.. But couldn't be successful at all.. 

"So? Are u in danger? You are acting a little weird today, babe.. That morning sex thing, two cars following us, ur anxious mood.. What the heck is going on?" Harry said..

"What about the morning sex thing? Didn't u like it?" I said. "I didn't like it.. I looveeeeedddd it.. That wasn't the issue, u acted a little weird than normal.. you know what I mean..u kept kissing my head like million times, u do that when you are so worried.." Harry said.. He read me like a book.. It was scary and perfect at the same time..

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