Mission 12-The car under controlled

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Keith is driving at his motorbike just to try his new motorbike that Wesley gave to him before. While Keith is driving at his motorbike, he sees a mysterious person using a remote control on any of the vehicles causing some major accidents at the streets.

Keith calls his team at the clock tower by grabbing his cell phone on his pocket. He tells them to meet up at S Boyle Avenue at E 44th St.

The mysterious person continues to control more cars but, Keith kicks him at the back causing him to release the remote control which is he controlling the cars.

"Hold it right there!" Keith said angrily.

"The VSSE team?!" The mysterious person exclaimed.

Keith fights him off with several punches while the other VSSE team arrive somewhere at the same avenue but a different street name. In here, they see more several accidents around the streets.

"Man! Look at all that mess." Lance said.

"Yeah! What happened?" Evan said.

"We're suppose to look for Keith," Alex said to his team, "Not to goof around."

"I'll show you goof!" Robert appeared in front of the team.

"Robert!" Lance exclaimed.

"Ha! The streets are under Gasper's control and all the citizens in the vehicle will die!" Robert said to the team.

"What?!" Alan replied, "Then, it will be awful!"

"Now your going to get hit by the car and you shall be destroyed!"

The team starts to exclaimed as the car starts to appear behind the team but, they jump and shot bullets at hi causing for Robert to took damage.

"Oh! So your going to do things the hard way huh?" Robert said to the team angrily, "Troops! Destroy the VSSE team!" Robert calling his troops to attack the VSSE team.

Keith fights off Gasper but, he shoots him with his machine gun and took damage. Keith grabs his hand gun to fight back but, he dodge them by bending his body down.

The team fights off Robert and his troops at E 46th St. Alex's fight is punching 5 troops that surrounds him in a circle before they bashed him with their metallic bat. Alan starts performing his back flip performance before he fires back at the troops with his hand gun and took damage. The machine gun troop fires Lance and Evan but, they dodge their bullets and hides on the cars which they are already damaged. They grab their hand guns and fires them from below and took them down both of them. They move closer to Robert but, he fires his hand gun at them and took damage.

The team fought bravely all for all but, Robert escaped after Keith showed up and fires Robert's back with his hand gun which is before he finish the team of with his same gun as before.

Now all they have to do is to fight off Gasper. The team shoots Gasper off but, he dodge the bullets causing Wild Dog's troops to appear and attack them. The team has to shoot them with their respective weapons causing them to took damage but, the other troops has shields which they cannot take damage because they managed to defend from those attacks.

The troops with their shields fires at the VSSE team causing them to took damage. The troops continue to fire at them so they have to hide at the damaged vehicles and come up with a plan.

"Guys! We can't attack them directly because they have bullet proof shields." Alex said.

"Yeah! Now what are we suppose to do?" Evan replied.

Luke crawls out of the damaged vehicle without the troops noticing him.

"Luke," Alan said, "What are you doing?"

Luke fires at the shield troops from behind causing them to took damage.

"Well... I guess," Alex said, "Firing at the back works."

"Really?" Evan replied.

"Now all we have to do is to stop Gasper."


The team found Gasper which he is still controlling the vehicles.

"Hey! Freak!" Alex said to Gasper angrily performing a back kick.

"You again?!" Gasper exclaimed after he got kicked behind.

"Enough is enough!" Keith said to Gasper angrily, "You had made several damages on the streets!"

"Is that what your suppose to mean?!" Gasper replied angrily.

"Tell it to the judge!" Alex grabs his hand gun and fires at him on the head and took damage.

Gasper is sent to prison for life due to the crisis on the streets. Keith goes back for his motorbike ride while the other team went home.

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