Mission 25-Defend the base

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Wild Dog is ready to set off with by using their helicopter then, finds Sherudo and Robert at the military base.

At the military base, several troops are doing their own respective work until Wild Dog's helicopter fires his missile at the prison center to free Sherudo and Robert.

The troops go directly to the prison area and they found empty. They went to the captain to report what happened.

At the clock tower, Keith and Wesley are playing Razing Storm. Alex is reading his lessons because he's going to take the quiz tomorrow while the others are going random places to have fun.

The phone starts to ring. Alex picks it up to answer it.

"Alex, we need to talk." Jones said on the phone.

"Okay," Alex replied, "So where do we meet?"

"At the military base because something terrible has happened."


"I know, Sherudo and Robert had escaped from prison."

"How would they know that they escape?"

"Wild Dog has his own helicopter and he founds two prisoners before firing his missile at it.

"Okay. We're heading your way." Alex puts the phone down then, heads outside to go to Jone's military base.

Alex shows his ID card at the entrance before he goes to Jones to look at the prison area.

"That's a big hole you got there!" Alex exclaimed after he sees the prison area empty leaving a big hole onto it.

"Yeah!" Jones replied.

"Did you put alarms at your base?"

"Yes! But, we don't know how the prisoners escape without us noticing."

"Then, tell your team to guard the prison area that we'll be for sure."

"Okay, I'll do it whatever you say."

"I'll guide you on guarding the prison area."

Sherudo and Robert are attacking Rosecrans Avenue. They destroy different buildings before grabbing the money from different stores. They also shoot innocent people and destroying cars. Policemen tries to stop them but, they we're outnumbered because Wild Dog's troops had become much stronger.

The VSSE team were been notified by the police. The team goes there directly to stop what Sherudo and Robert is up to but, they turned back because Alex is missing. Keith calls Alex on his phone.

"Yes?" Alex answers the phone call.

"Alex, where are you?" Keith said on the phone.

"I'm at Jone's Military Base because Wild Dog blasts a missile at the prison area which will leave a large hole on the wall causing Sherudo and Robert to escape."

"Your investigating?"

"Yes, can't you see that Jones answer the phone earlier."

"Okay, but, you have to go to Rosecrans Avenue!"

"Okay, I'm on my way." Alex stops the phone call after his last word then, leaves the base.

Sherudo and Robert continues to hunt down more people in this city until the troops we're hit by the VSSE team's bullets.

"You again?" Robert said angrily.

"Robert!" Keith replied angrily.

"How did you escape from prison?" Lance said to Robert questioning.

"Blah! Blah! Blah!" Sherudo taunts at the VSSE team causing for them to fight them off.

Alex drives his motorcycle to Rosecrans Avenue. Jones finds Alex but, he's gone because he was called by Keith for back up.

Sherudo stabs Lance, Keith, Alicia, Cathy, and Marc on the chest and took damage. Robert blasts his hand gun with the remaining team and took damage.

"That's to easy." Sherudo said after they defeat the VSSE team.

"Ugh!" Keith struggling.

"Now finish them off!" Sherudo said to Robert.

Robert steps forward to the VSSE team but, Alex fires his shotgun at them causing him to took major damage.

"You guys are supposed to be in prison and do nothing!" Alex said to Sherudo and Robert angrily.

"I guess that settles that!" Sherudo replied angrily before he and Robert leave the city and return to base.

Alex goes to his team because they are completely injured. He brings them to Jones's base for recovery.

At Jone's base. Keith and his team wakes up as they find themselves in an unknown place.

"Where are we?" Keith said questioning.

"Your at Jone's base." Alex replied.

"Why did you bring us there?"

"You gotta see what happened after Wild Dog blasts his missile causing Sherudo and Robert to escape."

Alex and his team goes to the prison area and they exclaimed after they found a large hole standing at the wall.

"Did you put security alarms at the prison area?" Lance said to Jones.

"Yes," Jones replied, "But, we don't know how they escape without our notice."

"I see..." Keith replied back, "You need to have your team guard the prison cells, it will be better."

"Yeah! That's what Alex is talking about," Jones replied back, "But, he said he will guide me on how to prevent prisoners from escaping."

"Alex, is that true?" Keith said to Alex questioning.

"Yes." Alex replied.

"Okay. I'll do it too."


"Yeah! I'm a police expert and the investigator."

"Sir! Helicopter at 9 o'clock!" Jone's soldier said.

"What?!" Jones exclaimed.

"That must be Wild Dog's troops," Lance said, "He's going to destroy the whole base."

"Tell your team to defend the base and don't let a single missile blow it up." Keith said to Jones.

"Right." Jones replied.

The VSSE team and Jone's troops prepare to fight Wild Dog as the troops lands on the ground from the helicopter. Jone's troops fires their machine gun at them but, there attack missed because Wild Dog's troops hide in their hiding positions first then, they fire their hand guns at them and get knocked out immediately.

Keith saw a helicopter at the sky. He fires his hand gun at him but, the chopper shot him fast before he was able to do it.

Alex has a plan to stop the helicopter, he grabs his missile launcher then, aims it at the helicopter and fires it. The helicopter crashed down the building and the troops fires their respective weapons at the enemy causing them to took damage.

Jones learns his lesson about protecting the base in order to prevent the rescuers to rescue them as is. The VSSE team returns to the clock tower while Jone's and his army performs whatever the duty is.

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