Mission 23-The prince and the mermaid

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At Wild Dog's base, Sherudo is watching the little mermaid at his television. After his show, he goes to his computer to look for a real mermaid. The internet said that the mermaids are at Florida. Wild Dog goes to Sherudo because he saw something on his computer.

"Captain," Sherudo said, "The mermaids are not in Los Angeles, there at Florida."

"Yeah, but," Wild Dog replied, "We have a helicopter on our base."

"So are we going there to capture the mermaid?"

"Check the internet first, you want to pick a color or a style of mermaid you want."

"Okay." He goes to google to search for a mermaid.

The mermaid on the screen is much on the yellow fins and black hair. The skin of the mermaid is fair.

"Here." Sherudo said to Wild Dog after his research.

"Oh yes!" Wild Dog said in an interested expression, "Very well my prince, choose your assistant to assist you in your mermaid."

Sherudo goes to the phone call to call for his assistant. The person who comes in to Wild Dog's office is Zoyd after the call from the prince. They went to the helicopter to go to Florida for the prince's mermaid.

The VSSE team are going to have a vacation at Florida. They watch the hula-hula dance and do more relaxation at the beach. Alan is watching the waves because the water looks more natural and it in more relaxation.

Sherudo and Zoyd saw the VSSE team but, they are in relaxation. They grab a boat without paying to the cashier. This will cause her to scream and to be heard by the VSSE team.

"Huh?" Wesley exclaiming, "What was that yell?"

"I don't know," Keith replied, "But, we have to find out what's going on."

The VSSE team goes to the screaming voice in that direction. They saw a cashier and tells what's all about.

"So the boat is stolen by the white collar with knives on his pocket?" Cathy said to the cashier.

"Yeah!" The cashier replied in worried, "And now they use the boat without paying!"

"Okay," Keith replied back, "So which means, Sherudo is the one responsible for this!"

The VSSE nods after Keith hears the word Sherudo.

"Then, let's go!" Keith said to the team.

"We'll borrow the boat okay." Alex said to the cashier.

"Sure, why?" The cashier replied.

"We're the VSSE team, we capture bad people who are ordered by Wild Dog."

"Who's Wild Dog?"

"There are a bunch of bad people who want to take over Los Angeles." Evan said to the cashier.

"How awful!" The cashier replied.

"We don't have time to talk," Keith said to the team, "We have to hurry!" The team heads to the boat.

Sherudo and Zyod are still looking for the mermaid that it is the same photo that Sherudo is looking for. When they found the mermaid that Sherudo is looking for. They put her in the cage causing her to scream loudly. The VSSE team heard a yell. They go to that yelling voice.

Sherudo and Zoyd are now going back to Wild Dog's base but, they we're surprised by the VSSE team's bullets.

"Drop the mermaid to the ocean and return the boat to the cashier!" Keith said to Sherudo and Zoyd angrily.

"Oh, so you came here for your vacation!" Sherudo replied to the VSSE team, "Zoyd! Take them out!"

Zoyd grabs his machine gun to fire at the VSSE team causing them to took damage.

"Woah!" Alan exclaimed after they got hit from Zyod's attack.

"Gorgio," Keith said to Gorgio, "You drive the boat, we'll focus on firing Zyod!"

"Right!" Gorgio replied.

Gorgio drives the boat so that if Zyod fires his bullets once more. The attack will be a missed.

Zyod fires his machine gun at the VSSE team but, the attack missed because the boat is moving fast. Keith and Cathy are ready to aim at the net but, Zyod caught them aiming at the net. He uses his machine gun to stop from doing so and took damage.

"Soldiers! Stop that boat!" Sherudo calling out his soldiers after he sees the VSSE team spinning in circles for a long period of time.

The vehicles that the Wild Dog's troops are using are boats and helicopters.

"Guys," Wesley exclaiming as they see different Wild Dog's troops vehicles, "We've got company!"

"Team, focus on the enemy first then, aim at the net before firing at Zoyd and Sherudo!" Keith said to his team.

"Right!" The team replied.

The team fights off Wild Dog's troops bravely. Sherudo and Zoyd are now ready to leave while they can but, they got shot at the engines causing for them to sink because the rocket launcher blast a missile at them after he gots hit by Alan's attack.

The mermaid is struggling trying her best to get out of the net. Keith dives into the water to save the mermaid fro Zyod and Sherudo. When Keith reaches the net, he grabs his knife to cut down the net but, Zyod stops him from doing so. Keith uses his knife to slash it on his opponent's neck causing him to took damage and get knocked out.

Now Keith can cut the net to free the mermaid. She felt sick after the chaos of Zyod and Sherudo. He brings her back home so that she can be safe from the Wild Dog Organization.

The VSSE team can return to relaxation after they send Zyod to prison.

Sherudo returns to Wild Dog's base with all of his clothes in wet.

"Sherudo!" Wild Dog said angrily, "Don't enter my office when your wet! Change your clothes!"

"Yes sir!" Sherudo replied going to his room to change clothes.

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