Fantasy pt 1

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Prompt: Simon and Baz are Normals, and football rivals. Prompt by Valyrie_Abyss !

Baz's POV

Simon fucking Snow still thinks his Football team can beat mine, in fact he's betting on it.
My school Watford is hosting the current games, and so, most of the teams have come in from out of the city. And of course, they're living in our spare dorms; and as if it wasn't bad enough that Simon Snow would be in my school for the next week, it turns out the spare dorms ran out of space, and I have to share with that imbecile, since I'm the only one who has a room alone.
"But Coach! I can't share a room with Baz! He's so. . Infuriating." Simon hisses, distastefully looking at me. As if his pretty blue eyes and long lashes have yet to bat gleefully, and the Coach will let him do whatever he pleases.
And as the Coach fixes him with a stern expression, I smirk at the blundering idiot. Even though I'd rather not share with him; I enjoy my privacy. But I'll have to sacrifice my comfort, my alone time, everything really. Just because of Simon bloody Snow.

"Come on, Snow. Stop wasting your breath, Crowley knows words are difficult for you too." I say, absently gripping his wrist and dragging him away from the Football Pitch where he's been trying to get rid of me.

"Leave my hand, queer." He spits, as I lead him up the tower to my suite.

"Excuse me, Snow." I turn to sneer at him, as my hold on his wrist tightens. I can tell that I must look menacing, because he seems even smaller than usual, compared to me.

"Fuck, sorry, I didn't mean- I mean- I'm not homophobic or anything!" He says, tripping over his words, tongue-twisted—typical. I roll my eyes at him, and he sighs dramatically. And I'm not sure why, but I don't want to drop his wrist. . .
Who am I kidding? I know exactly why.
It's the same reason for everything with Snow. . It's the reason I can't tear my eyes away every time he's wearing shorts and racing down the field. It's the same reason my heart thunders in my chest when we're on the Pitch together, every time he tackles me. It's the same reason I let him tackle me.
I love him. So I tease him, torment him, beat him. Just to be close to him. Because he doesn't give a flying fuck about me. Because he hates me, and there is no other way I could be near him.
And now he's going to sleep in my room. My room. That has only one bed. And we haven't sorted that out yet. . But is it so wrong that I wish he's unwilling to sleep on the floor, and instead climbs into my bed? And sleeps with me. . .

Simon's POV

Fuck my luck. They just had to run out of spare dorms, didn't they?
And Baz! Why Baz Pitch?! Why did stupid Baz with his shiny black hair and silver eyes be the one I'm stuck with?!
It got out last year that he was gay, and I hoped I could get a room with his ex-boyfriend, whose name I'm forgetting, just to piss Baz off. But I don't think he'd care—they only dated for about a month. I wonder what he saw in this devil. . .
Actually, I know exactly what he saw. A boy, with long glossy black hair that were always perfection. A boy who played the violin as well as Football. A boy who had the sharpest jawline, and the softest grey eyes. To be honest, Baz was devilishly handsome. But still an asshole. Heck, he even used to flirt with my girlfriend! Even though he was gay! Just to make me jealous. Penelope even agreed with that one, and she usually ignores my Baz-rants.
As we reach the top of the tower, to his suite. . . I notice only one thing. He opens his door, and there's only one bed. One bed. His bed. And I give him a bewildered look.

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