Infectious pt 1

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Covid AU prompt by LamsAndLemonCookies !!

Vote and comment!!💛💛

Simon's POV

Ever since this goddamn virus took over the world, including the Mages', I've been locked here in my room with Baz for quarantine purposes.

            And I'm fucking furious.

           He's a constant fucking git. And he still manages to find a way to disappear for an hour every night. I'm certain that he's going out to drink blood because he's a vampire and you can't convince me otherwise. Of course he's risking my health, too! I bet he just wants me to catch corona. And of course he won't get bloody sick, because he never does! Wonder why? It's because he's a vampire.

           I can't believe it. Baz is immune to the virus that has ruined the rest of us. Wow. Just his fucking luck. Unnaturally attractive, good at everything he does, fucking immune to corona. I hate him.

          But does the fact that he can't get sick mean he couldn't transfer the virus to me even if he was exposed to it? Huh. Nice. His plan won't work then.

           He enters our room, tired, with a leaf in his hair. An actual green, dirty leaf! That. . . Isn't a typical Baz-look. What the fuck?

Baz's POV

This goddamn virus is making my already tragic existence, much more irritating. Not because I have it obviously, but because quarantine has me locked at the top of a fucking tower with Simon Snow.

                This has many disadvantages. Firstly, I can't hunt. I used to manage to sneak out, but the other day they found a bunch of immature seventh years lying in the Lawn without any masks on, huddled together, and slightly drunk. Just perfect. Since those dumb arses got caught, the security measures got stronger and now I can't access the Catacombs or the Wavering Wood. I haven't fed in days. And it is driving me positively insane. Snow looks more and more appetizing everyday. Not in the usual way. In the 'oh-another-bag-of-blood' way. Every time he steps close, I can't decide whether to kiss or bite him. And I'm so sure I'm going to give in to at least one of the options soon. He's irresistible like this. . .

             Secondly, and this reason leads to many problems that turn into more reasons, I cannot stand being stuck in this room. For multiple more reasons. I do not like such small spaces, I'm claustrophobic. And even though Snow and I have the largest room in Mummers, when you spend every day there, it seems to get smaller. It really does. And even though Snow will keep the window open, it's dark and I can't tolerate it because it feels like everything is smaller. As if there are walls. There are walls. And they always seem to be closing in on me, taunting me about my lack of space. I hate this so much. (And I'm so hungry.)

               Next, Snow. He is insufferable on a general basis, but at this point he is just fucking intolerable. He's constantly around, buzzing and hovering. His magick is always overflowing, spilling everywhere and rolling off him along with his waves of anxiety. He doesn't like small places either. Not because of claustrophobia, but because he'd rather run around and go off. I can't even pester him much since he will go off and I can't even stay away due to quarantine.

              And that's another problem.

              I can't stay away.

              If I made a fucking list of all my problems, I swear half of them would be Snow-caused. And because I'm fucking dying of boredom. . . I made a list. (There's only so much violin practice, homework, and studying I can do in quarantine.)

Things I hate/problems caused by quarantine, in a list.

1. Being stuck in a room.

2. Being stuck in a room with Simon Snow.

3. I am hungry.

4. I can't hunt.

5. Snow seems more like a meal than a magician sometimes. (And in the literal way, for once.)

6. I'm so hungry.

7. Snow is so incredibly loud. And messy. He's like a giant elephant. Clumsy, noisy, just. . . Unnecessary.

8. The walls that are trapping me.

9. The fact that I can rarely eat since Snow is always watching me. And I don't want him to see my fangs.

10. Simon Snow breathing. He breathes so loudly and in a troubled way, with his jaw slack. (Mouth-breather.)

11. Snow's lips are parted when he breathes, and I want to slip my tongue in. I can't help picturing it every waking second.

12. Snow's anxiety, which is currently seeping into me by osmosis.

13. Snow's suffocating magick.

14. I'm still fucking hungry.

15. Snow's potent and tangible hatred for me.

16. The fact that Simon Snow spends half the day glaring at me; how does he even have the fucking energy?

17. I'm so hungry.

18. Simon won't shut the window, and I'm freezing.

19. I'm extremely hungry.


21. I am a Pitch, I'm not supposed to get frustrated.

22. I nearly wish I could go off. If only to relieve my anger.

23. Snow is still here.

24. I'm so in love with him, I hate it.

25. I'm starving.

26. It's getting exhausting living off no food, and barely any blood.

27. I'm questioning my sanity.

28. Also. . . I'm. . . Hungry.

29. Snow won't quit staring—Correction: glaring at me.

            Anyway, clearly the list goes on and on, mostly about how insufferable Snow is. And it isn't helped by the fact that I'm bloody exhausted and starved. Snow nearly caught me staring at him yesterday. How am I even supposed to control myself if I'm constantly fucking surrounded by him?!

            I enter our room quietly, and of course, since Crowley is plotting against me, Simon Snow is lying on his bed. Wide awake. And shirtless.

            What the actual fuck did I do to deserve this.

             I can't decide if it's a blessing or a curse.

"Baz. . . Why are you staring at me?" He asks, suspiciously looking up at me from his bed.

              A curse, it is.

"I'm not, Snow." I say, bored and exhausted. I truly must be, considering that my reply was so half-arsed. No sarcasm, no wit, just fucking straight up denial. Wow, Baz. We have greatly evolved. Not.

"Yes, you were." Snow continues.

"What the fuck, Snow, just shut up. There's nothing else to look at, okay?" I hiss. I'm honestly too tired to deal with him. Especially not when his golden chest is exposed, and I can picture my fingers tracing constellations by connecting his freckles. Not when he looks like this. . . .

          Not when I can hear his blood rushing in his veins. Not when the sound is echoing in my mind. Not when I keep picturing kissing him, biting his lip just enough to release a drop of blood. And licking it. Tasting Simon Snow. . . Finally.

          His frustration is infectious, and if he pushes me. . . I just might slip. No, I could never bite him. I could never hurt him.

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