Ch 36- All That Love Went Out The Door... Or Did It

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"Hey Bri."I smiled and sat down.

"Hey Beautiful."She said.

I smiled and "thanks. Ya know you can stop calling me that. I have a name."i said trying not to have an attitude.

"I know. I just call you beautiful because it fits you."

"Aww thanks."

"Hi. I'm Maddie and ill be your waitress today. Would drinks would you like to start off with."

"Sprite."We both said.

The lady smiled and walked away.

"Hey."She said.


"Tell me about yourself?"

"We'll.... Um. There's nothing except that My parents are famous, I have a girlfriend, two kids. We'll the girl isn't really my kid but ya know her mom is psycho and it's a long story I have 4 sisters and one brother and that's it."

I saw her frown when I said I had a girlfriend and two kids.

"We'll um. That's nice. tell me about your family,"

"You sure you can handle it?"

She nodded.

"My parents are Nicki And Bey. ..."

(Let's fast forward)

"So tell me about you."I said eating some of my salad.

"I'm a drug dealer."


"Because I had to make a way for myself. The way I came up was terrible. I be on my shoot or die shit, you know?"

"I guess. Where you from."

"Downtown, New Orleans. "

"That explains your accent."I said raising my eyebrows.


Soon we were done and I went home.

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