Ch 14- Try

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Nicki POV

Me and Beyonce are not on speaking terms right now.

She keeps telling me to stop bitching because I think she's cheating.

"Ma. Can you help me."Sierra asked bringing me some papers.

"Sure baby, what's this."i said looking over the papers.

It was all Sierra's information from when she was born up in till she was three.

"Why do you have these?"

"Because I want to find my real parents.Not that your a bad parent, because your not but I just... ya know."

"Yeah, I know."

We looked over it. "It says your parents' names but no phone number or address. "I stated.

Sierra POV

"It's a start."i mumbled. It wasn't much but I can try to get some where with it.

There's a lot of stuff sitting on me right now.


Why did they give me away? We'll that's the biggest question.

We stayed on the laptop looking up there names. But every once in a while we would end up back where we started. It was no use.

"Sierra I'm really truly sorry, But there's no more information."She told me.

"It's okay. Ill get it some how."I said and ran into my room.

I close the door and buried myself into the covers. I just let it all out.

Nicki POV

I walk into the room and see Beyonce on her phone.

I look over her shoulder and she is texting some girl named Alisha .


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