Ch 26- Swim Swim Bitch

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*day after the wedding*

Nicki POV

We walked around looking for a good spot in the sand.

It's our last day here and I wanna make sure this is the best.

I laid out the sand-blanket I had custom made. Then Bey sets up the umbrella.

We got a whole bunch of blankets and we laid there getting a tan.

"I love you."i said kissing her cheek.

"I love you too."She said back returning the kiss.

I got on top her and stared into her eyes. We kissed and got covered up in the blankets.

7 hours later

Let's just say that was the best.

If you were on the outside you could see us moving around and hear moaning.

She ran into the water. I run after her.

She screams as I grip her waist. I then dunk her in the water and hold for like five seconds then bring her up.

"I hate you."She said laughing.

I smiled. "I hate you too."i laughed.

"You ready to go."She asked.

"Yes. Are you ready madam."


We dried off and cleaned up and bring the stuff to my car.


"That's not funny. It was sand everywhere."Bey said gushing.

"You hungry."

"Yeah let's stop at The Chili Cheese SteakHouse ."

"It's gonna be a long ride."I said leaning her chair back.

A lil while later she started going to sleep. I stop the car fix up a blanket and pillow and then put her back on it.

I stop and order for take out. Then I was on the route to the house back in Cali.


"They should be on there way home now."I said.

"Okay and."Christian said cocking his feet on the glass table and started eating some Cheetos.

"GET YO ASS UP. okay everybody. We gotta clean this house up. It has to be spotless by the time they get here."i said.

"What are we posed to do."Sierra asked.

"Sierra you watch Gage and Kaya, and Kayla. Go in your room and entertain them. The rest of us need to clean up."Jai said.

"What are we posed to start with."Christian asked.

"You can start with your room and taking a shower, and USE SOAP."I said shooing him out.

"Man Whatever. What happened to The maid."

"She's off this week and weekend."i pointed out.

Nicki POV

Shed I'm sleepy as hell. I pull over and lean my chair back. I fix up a blanket and pillow.

I didn't feel like going to a hotel because it's too far plus I'm tired.

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