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This is Tallstar


I was in the Clan and was walking around checking everything and I noticed that everything was peaceful.

Just then I heard cats talking and so I went to them.

"What's going on?"

They look at me.

"Tallstar I was doing patrol near our borders when I saw a cat from ThunderClan and we talked and he said one of their warriors fell in love with the leader of another clan," he says.

"Ok? But that happens often" I said, "why does that sound surprising?"

"The warrior fell in love with the leader of BloodClan," he says.

"You mean Scourge?" He nods "what kind of cat would fall for him?" I said being surprised.

"And you are not going to believe this" I look at the other cat "it's a Tom that fell in love with Scourge"

"And who is this cat that fell in love with him?"

"The cat said his name was," he thinks for a second, "I think she said Ashfur, but I'm not completely sure"

"A male and a male together, I've never heard of such a thing"

"We agree with you Tallstar," he says.

"It just feels un-normal," she says "why would anybody want that"

I then leave them to talk and I go for a walk into the woods.

As I walked I climbed the biggest tree and I look all around and then I saw the big city where Kittypets live at.

I always wondered what it was like to live there. But I know that I can't because I'm a leader of WindClan and I just can't leave them to explore over there.

After a while, I went down and I walked some more as I thought.

Thanks to me thinking I banged into something.


"That looks like it hurt" I look up and see an orange cat on top of the wood "you're a forest cat right?"

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Nothing, I just never met one before," he says.

"What did I bang into?"

"This is a fence," he says "so what brings you here forest cat?"

"I was just thinking and I ended up here by accident"

"Well, you wouldn't be here if you weren't thinking of it," he says.

"You got a name Kittypet?" I ask.

"Tell me yours first," he says.

"Fine, my name is Tallstar and I'm the leader of a Clan"

"Cool," he says.

"And what's yours?"

"My name is Jake and what is a Kittypet?" Jake says.

"It's what we forest cats call your kind of cats that live around here"

"I see, well I wish I could keep talking, but my owner will be home soon and I better get in" he then leaves and then stops "I don't suppose you would be willing to come back maybe and talk some more?" Jake asks.

"I'm a leader of a Clan and I'm always busy, but I can't make any promises, but I'll try"

He smiles "that's all I ask," Jake says "goodbye Tallstar"

He then jumps down and he was gone.

I then leave and return to my Clan and when I get there it was night and so I got some prey and ate and then I went to bed.


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