Edge of Great...

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Olivia sat with her arms folded as she sat on the stool in the corner of the studio. Her shoulders slumped forward, and her eyes narrowed. She glimpsed ever so slightly at Julie talking with the boys- well Luke.

That asshat had been pretty much blanking her the whole time she had been in there. It wasn't like she was going out of her way to talk to him, but like, there was no reason. She hadn't done anything to him... as far as she could remember.

Oh no! What if he could read her thoughts? What if he saw her dream, and is now totally weirded out by her?

Her head shook without her realizing,

That's totally insane. People couldn't read minds... or could they? Luke was a ghost. Could ghosts read minds?

She hadn't even realized her face was contorting in weird expressions until she shook from her trance to see Alex raising a brow at her.

"Um, are you good, or?" He asked, squinting his eyes and tilting his head.

Olivia laughed, rolling her eyes as she shook her head. She jumped up from the stool, tugging the bottom of her cropped shirt back down.

Julie had somehow found another crazy top hidden in her mom's chest. It was a black top with puffed sleeves, that fit her just right. Things were getting too scary around here for her liking...

"Yep, just focusing, you know? First gig since 'Finally Free.'" She said, sliding her hands into her pant pockets.

Alex nodded, giving her a suspicious look before barely glancing at where Julie was laughing with Luke and Reggie. He looked at her with a smile as if that were going to change the fact she saw him glimpse at them. It was like he knew something she didn't...

It didn't matter though because they could hear Flynn talking from outside the doors. Julie wandered over to where she was standing, giving her a small smile.

"Let's do this." She smiled, holding her hand out for her. Olivia smiled back, grabbing her hand and adjusting her six-string strap over her shoulder.

The two walked over to the doors, giving each other one more look before looking forward. They waited for the doors to move back, and as they did, the crowd came into view, clapping.

Olivia smiled, winking at Flynn as her and Julie walked to the piano bench. The one thing she liked about this performance was that she got to play the piano with Julie. They dragged the grand piano out here specially for this, and it felt like when they played when they younger. And when they played 'Wake Up.'

The thought made her smile as the two slid onto the bench.

"Thank you all for coming." Julie said as she set her hand on the keys. Olivia sighed as she did the same, pressing down as her and Julie began to sing.

"Running from the past, tripping on the now."

"What is lost can be found, it's obvious."

Olivia smiled over at Julie as they went on, moving her fingers gracefully on the keys. The two grinned as the beat dropped, and they heard the boys poof in. Olivia spun around on the bench, bringing her guitar forward as she walked over to the mic stand set up next to Reggie, singing the chorus.

"I believe! I believe that we're just one dream!"

"Away from who we're meant to be! That we're standing on the edge of great!"

Olivia strummed along, turning to Reggie and grinning as she sang. They bounced around together, and slid back and forth. She laughed as she turned around past Julie, as they switched spots so she was dancing with Alex now. She would literally pay to have an eye on the side of her head to see Luke's face.

𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 | LukeWhere stories live. Discover now