The Untrustworthy

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Olivia shook her head as her jaw clenched. How could she be so gullible? This was the same guy who cursed the boys. Did she really think she could trust him?

"You piece of shit." She said in a low tone, glaring at him like she were going to rip his head off. The longer she was here, the more chances the boys would disappear. If she really were the anchor, she probably could find a way to save them if she found a way out.

Caleb grinned maliciously at her, only making her blood boil more. "No need for the language. But I suppose I'll let you speak freely; you, like the boys, only have a limited time left." He said, moving his hand around in a circle.

A puff of smoke filled her eyes, and she felt her hands being pulled behind herself. The rough clench of metal wrapping around her wrists made her wince as she fell to the floor. The smoke soon cleared, and her eyes widened at Caleb. His body glowing brighter than before.

"It seems my new trick's worked. I can feel the powers you possess." He grinned, sighing with satisfaction. Olivia shook her head, glancing back at the handcuffs suffocating her wrists. Some sort of purple substance emanating off of them. This could not be real?

She went from being a normal girl with a bit of family trauma, to now, sitting in a dark room, as an anchor between two worlds, with a ghost magician. Who, somehow, made handcuffs appear out of no where. It was like her life had turned into some 'Netflix' sci-fi, drama.

A sudden jolt made her yelp in pain, and she crumbled to her side. It was a weird, sharp sensation running through her. Like she was being electrocuted.

"Even better, it seems my curse works on you too." Caleb grinned triumphantly at her, rubbing his hands together. Olivia glared at him as she felt the pain slowly dwindle away. So, this is what the boys had been feeling for weeks now.

"Don't waste away too soon. I'll be back later." He said before walking back to through the door, leaving her in complete darkness. If she weren't fuming, she might have felt scared. Her eyes couldn't even see an inch in front of her.

She grumbled as she pulled her feet under her, managing to sit up straight again. She tried pulling her hands apart, but the metal was so tight around her arms, it was painful to try and move them.

"Damn it." Olivia muttered as she released her arms. She could think back to the times when she thought being a supernatural being would be fun. Sitting here in this dingy, dark room being zapped to death, has completely changed her mind. Being an anchor sucked ass.


Luke paced back and forth behind the piano; biting his lip. It had been hours since they had seen Olivia; yesterday night was the last they had heard from her. Julie said to trust her, and he did, but that wasn't who he was worried about. Caleb was the problem.

When the boys had met up with Willie, he had said he had seen her and Caleb together, but after that, he didn't know where they went. He said no one had seen either of them pretty much all night, which was not a settling statement for Luke. If anything happened to her, he wasn't sure what he would do with himself.

"Luke, would you stop pacing?" Alex said, jolting him to a stop. His eyes drifted up from the ground and over to him and Reggie, standing gloomily on the other side of the piano. "We're all worried, but freaking yourself out, is not going to help." Alex sighed.

Reggie nodded half-heartedly, letting his eyes falter to the ground. "She'll be fine." He said softly, although his tone of voice did not make Luke feel any better.

"You guys, she should be back by now, right?" He questioned, walking up to the piano and leaning down on it. His eyes glanced between the two, who couldn't manage one reassuring look, before letting his head fall into his hands.

𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 | LukeWhere stories live. Discover now