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Rohan never had a positive experience of pleasure until he met Okuyasu, a delinquent with no brains and is due what he's told. Almost like a dog or some animal that behaves like that.

He always wondered if the relationship he has with him could cause any sort of trouble in understanding if this is what people normally do on the boy. Like hooking up was just as normal as playing games with your friend, except that person isn't your friend but just someone you're acquainted of.

It's not like Rohan is worried about him. He was afraid since the first time they started doing this, that Oku would get attached to him.

There are other things he would rather worry about, like now, finding some inspiration for his next chapter.

The public crowd of people walking past him as he followed along on his way towards the cafe was annoying enough. Many kept pushing, some running past each other with their umbrellas clashing, and others wearing their wet raincoats just to stain his clothes when they touched him and his bag. He kept walking, keeping an eye on anyone he sees familiar just to avoid them. He needs his special alone time for himself today.

Finally, he reached his destination and walked inside taking his seat by the window where he could take his creativity on this sketchbook.

As he kept himself busy, he thought about what he'll do once he gets back. Rohan didn't have a stressful day so far so he guessed he wouldn't be calling the delinquent for anything.

Rohan has never said anything about them being in a romantic relationship. He was always in it for the fuck and never thought about it as making love.


He remembered the time Okuyasu started yelling about 'couples' and 'this isn't what couples do', Rohan decided to debunk the idea as soon as it spilled from Okuyasu's mouth because he never thought about it as such. He made himself clear that they're not in a relationship by telling the truth and telling him in a harsh way to make it more understandable.

"We're not a couple."

Okuyasu stops halfway from his angry tangent, his jaw clicking to a sudden stop and he licks his lips. "What?" He asks, his mouth going dry and he continuously tries to re-wet them by swallowing down the hurt that started to prickle against his throat. But, it felt like swallowing a golf ball. "What do you mean we're not a couple?"

"I've never said anything about us being a 'thing'," Rohan presses out slowly, his fingers making quotations in the air before he decides to stare at his feet rather than watching Okuyasu's eyes grow dark with confusion, "This is just a booty call type of relationship, Okuyasu. Hell, we meet every so often."

Silence. It plagues the room with heavy stagnancy, swallowing both bodies whole and caging them in with its wings. Rohan shuffles his feet, thinking about what he got himself into and sighs deeply. Okuyasu closes his jaw, the familiar stiff creaking of the floors in the house adjusted to the silence between them and he shuts his eyes so he wouldn't let any tears out.

He noticed this, "I'm sorry if I made you think of it as something further." Rohan finally says, walking up towards Okuyasu with careful steps, before digging in his pocket for something. When he finally took out his hand, he showed him what he had.


"But if you want, I could pay you."

The other stared at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"I want us to keep doing this and in return I could pay you." Although this was a terrible thing to say, almost feeling as if he's making Okuyasu some sort of prostitute just by paying him for sex. He could've had it with anyone else; a friend, coworker, a stranger, hell... even someone he hates. But he didn't want to. He didn't know why.

Okuyasu looks down at the money and then back at him. His eyes begin to water. "I-I can't... money doesn't help anything. It feels like-"

"Prostitution. I know."

"I'm not going to accept this, it feels wrong..."

"I know." He puts his money back in his pocket.

"So...what are we gonna do?"

Rohan questioned that first inside his head before the young teen. 'What are we going to do?' He was afraid to let this slide. Who knows what Okuyasu will do next, that kid mostly thinks with his heart rather than his own head, he also talks before he thinks so this might be hard to let go. If they argue any further, who knows what will happen.

Okuyasu was someone who could be angered easily which can make him uneasy and scared of what'll happen if he leaves. Reason why is because he's afraid that everyone will find out if Okuyasu tells. He could tell Koichi, Yukako, Tonio, Yuuya, Jotaro... hell, it'll be worse if he tells Josuke, that bastard. Because if he does, he can feel the punches days away. He has to think of something before he walks away.

Without thinking, he takes his hand.

Okuyasu looked at him confused. "S-Sensei?"

"Let's not go any further, Okuyasu. I don't want to argue with you."

The delinquent smiles nervously, "Why would I want to argue with someone like you?"

"Because..." Rohan paused. He didn't know what to say next. He doesn't know if he should say something nice like a compliment or just kiss him.

Then he had an idea.

"Because I want to love you." He says, disguising the disgust in the back of his throat when he says 'love'.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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