~Coney Island~

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As the petite, Sokovian put the final batch of muffins in the oven, she hurried to the dining room to take orders from new customers. She took their orders and created them as well. When she went back into the dining room, a tall, handsome soldier had came in for breakfast. The young girl was used to the man coming in every week day. She'd memorized his order just for him.

"Morning, Sergeant Barnes, the usual?" She smiled sweetly.

Sergeant Barnes flashed his million dollar smile. "Actually, I'd like my usual and a omelette platter for my lady."

He gestured to a pretty woman at his usual table. She caught the young chef's eye and waved with a bright smile.

"I went to school with her before I opened my diner." The girl across Sergeant Barnes said. "She's a sweetheart."

"Thank you, Mary." Sergeant Barnes nodded her way. "Well, I'll leave you to it."

"I'll be out soon, Sergeant Barnes." Mary turned on the ball of her foot and began making his order.

When she was finished, she checked the muffins, then brought his food.

"Thank you so much, Mary." Sergeant Barnes handed her a five dollar bill. "Buy you something pretty."

"Sergeant Barnes, I can't take this much money." Mary tried to hand it back. "My momma always said to take no more than needed."

"We're in the middle of a war." Sergeant Barnes said. "You might need it."

"Well, I'll pay you back after the war, don't think I won't." Mary shook her head, the smile never coming off her face.

"I'll hold you to it." Sergeant Barnes joked.

She went back to the front bar to take more orders and give more food. Many soldiers came in, asking for dates, but Mary kept to herself when it came to relationships. She wanted to be a smart woman, not some play thing for non-grateful men.

Right before Sergeant Barnes left, he went to the bar to talk to Mary about joining as a nurse or something. As always she told him her diner needed someone there to try and help people forget about the war. It helped some people, but for others, it seemed like Mary was trying to hide the dangers from people who needed to know what was going on.

She did keep a little television on one side of the diner. It stayed on the news channel to inform those who wanted to know about the war. Mary herself wanted to know every little detail. She wanted to make sure her patrons were well informed. She wanted to be positive of her choice in not joining as a nurse.

Mary's attention was taken away from the fighting on the television to a short blond who came in with a sullen look. He sat at the bar and Mary brought him a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Steve." Mary smiled. "Did you give them your enlistment form?"

"Yeah." Steve sighed. "They told me I wouldn't be allowed to with my asthma alone."

"Well, in my opinion, you have enough drive to get in." Mary said. "These boys that come in everyday pout and whine about fighting for their country, and we have you who would drop anything to do it. I believe if a man wants to fight for what he stands for should be put on the frontlines."

"You should apply to be a nurse." Steve said.

"No, no, no." Mary shook her head, a smile dancing at her lips. "I'm a woman. The men will never accept me and I'm also Sokovian. I don't think they'll enjoy my presence too well."

"Right." Steve said. "How about the expo tonight?"

"I have to hold down the fort." Mary shrugged. "My mom is gonna be dancing at the expo."

"Dang." Steve half smiled.

"I'll tell you what." Mary leaned on the counter to get closer to Steve. "You get that sergeant friend of yours to ask me on a date, I'll find a way to get you enlisted. I know people."

"You like Bucky?" Steve raised an eyebrow. "I love the guy, but he's bad news."


"Uses a woman until he doesn't need her anymore." Steve said. "He may seem all heavenly on the outside, but he's not the type you should go after."

"I'll have somebody enlist you." Mary smirked. "Just tell him I'm interested."

"You know, I don't think Buck would go for an eighteen year old young woman anyway." Steve said. "He's more into older women."

"Come on, Steve." Mary pressed. "You never know."

"Fine, but I better get a good spot in the army." Steve pointed a finger. "And tell your mom I said hi."

"Steve!" Mary playfully slapped her best friend with a dish towel.

"Love you, Mare." Steve grinned to himself.

"Go home!" Mary laughed.

After a long day at work, Mary went straight to bed. She could hear cheering coming from the expo. She could hear the fireworks booming like bombs on the frontlines. She could hear patrons clapping for new inventions.

Mary sighed and turned on the news. A clip of men shooting guns then hiding came on. The newscaster said something about needed new enlistees now.

What if I sign up to fight in the war? Mary pondered. She stared at the dark ceiling lost in her thoughts. Will they let a woman like me join?

Mary shoved her blankets off of her and dressed up to meet with the people she's in contact with. She was close enough to walk and she found the man she was looking for.

"Good evening, Dr. Erskine." Mary smiled, holding her hand out for him to shake.

"Evening, Ms. Elliot." Dr. Erskine shook the young woman's hand. "Did you enjoy the expo?"

"I didn't go." Mary said. "I stayed home tonight."

Mary went on to explain her reasoning on why she should be able to join the war even though she was a woman. Dr. Erskine listened intently, contemplating every detail she gave him. His attention was brought away from her when he saw a familiar young man and a soldier arguing.

"And that's why I think I can be a helpful soldier." Mary looked up at Dr. Erskine.

"Valid reasons." Dr. Erskine said. "I'll speak with our S.H.I.E.L.D. agenr, Peggy Carter."

"A woman?" Mary smiled brightly. "Your leading agent is a woman!?"

"Exactly." Dr. Erskine nodded. "I'll be seeing you at boot camp."

Mary bit her lip and looked away. She caught the eye of the handsome soldier who comes to her diner. He winked at her as she walked past him.

Mary hurried to gather things she wanted to bring to boot camp. She most definitely wanted to bring the necklace her father gave her before he fought in World War II. He'd brought Mary to America after her mother gave birth to her. He was killed in combat when Mary was 15.

Mary was in the middle of looking for her duffel bag when someone knocked on the door. She opened it to come face to face with a badge that had "Barnes" embroidered into it. Mary smiled and looked up.

"I see Steve spread my message." She said.

"He did." Bucky nodded, crossing his arms. "So, what do you say we have a night out before I have to leave."

"I'd love that." Mary blushed. "But I didn't dress up."

"You don't need to dress up." Bucky grabbed Mary's hand and kissed it. "We can go somewhere fun instead of fancy."

"What about Coney Island?" Mary suggested.

"I love Coney Island."

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