Day Zero part 1

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Your fight or flight reflexes kick in and you have to resist the urge to throw your phone across the room as your alarm blares loudly. You sit up and rub your eyes. Today is the day! Excitement wakes you the rest of the way up and you hop out of your bed, stepping over your packed bag on the way to the shower. While you wait for the water to heat up, you run through a mental checklist of things you could have forgotten. Bathing suit? Check! Towel? Check! Pjs? Check! The hot water feels great on your still-tired body, but you try your best not to linger as you don't want to be late. After drying off, you put on some comfy clothes in anticipation of the long car ride. You pace around, packing last minute items and making sure all of your plants are watered. Your phone buzzes with a "here" message, and you struggle to lock your door while balancing your bag. The biggest smile shines on your face as you wave to the car parked in front of your house. Niki from the front seat and Tubbo in the way back greet you with happy "hello!"s.

"You look awfully cheery for six in the morning!" Wilbur tells you.

"It's all a facade," you say, "give me ten minutes and I'll be joining Sap and George." The aforementioned boys are fast asleep on top of each other in the middle row. You climb into the back with Tubbo and you grin at each other. "Are you excited?" you ask.


Wilbur pulls away and you settle in. You put on some music and relax by the window.

"Next stop, the airport!" Niki says.

An hour later, you arrive and park in front while Wilbur walks in to collect Tommy.

"Enjoy your last few minutes of quiet," George mumbles, he and Sapnap now awake. The two boys come back and Tommy climbs into the backseat, the order being you, Tommy, then Tubbo.

"Hi everyone!" he says. When the passengers only muster a mumbled response he says, "Jesus Christ! Hey, Wilbur, do you think we could stop for coffee to wake up these sleepy heads?"

"I think that's a great idea! Wilbur?" Niachu adds.

"Yeah Wilbur, can we?" You chime in.

"Yeah, Wilbur, can we?" Nick ironically mimics.

"Fine! Fine! Where are we going?"

"Do y'all not have Dunkin Doughnuts in the UK? Because if not I have to introduce you." You say.

"Alright, y/n, we'll go to Dunkin." We go through a drive thru and we all get iced coffees. By now, you are decently awake, so Nikki puts on some music for you to chat over. Nikki and Wil are flirting in the front, Nick is teasing George in the middle, and Tommy, Toby and you are giggling in the back. You are like a big, dysfunctional family.

~time skip~

About an hour later, you stop for gas and you and Tubbo discuss which candy to buy while Tommy takes a 'piss break'.

"I can't decide between the gummies and the chocolates," you tell him.

"Well I was gonna get the chocolates, so maybe you get the gummies and we can trade?"

"Bro that's such a good idea!" you grab the gummies, chocolates, [favorite drink] for yourself, and a Coke for Tommy.

"What are you doing? I can pay for myself!" Toby says, seeing you walk to the counter with your hands full.

"It's my birthday beach week, I get to pay."

"But you're already paying for the beach house!"

You shush him and pay for the food. It had been your idea to invite all of your friends to stay at a beach house for a week for your 16th birthday. You paid for everything but their plane tickets. You had been saving for a while and it was a special occasion. Besides, they won't complain because they'll get tons of content. You regroup and get back in the car.

"Only five more hours!" Nikki says, taking her turn at the steering wheel. The passengers let out a half-hearted 'woohoo'.

You hand Tommy his drink and he says, "For me? Thank you!" Wilbur turns on some jamming music and we have an absolute blast for the next five hours.

~time skip~

A lull falls over the group when you pull up in front of a big house.

"Are you sure this is his place?" Sapnap asks.

"Yes, I'm sure." Niachu replies.

"I texted him, he should come out soon." George tells us.

"Ok, who here knows what he looks like?" Sapnap asks. He and George are the only ones to raise their hands.

"Big moment, huh guys?" Tubbo says.

"Indeed," Tommy replies. You could hear a pin drop as you watch the door turn and open. Dream walks out with a backpack and walks to the car.

"The big man!" Tubbo and Tommy say in sync. You all laugh as he gets in the car and does warm greetings to everyone.

"y/n, I just want to say thank you for getting us all together and making this happen. I am so excited!"

"It was totally my pleasure. Now let's go to the beach!"

A/N New story wohoo! Sound off in the comments if you're here from my last Tommy x Reader. Sorry this took so long to come out, I've been big time procrastinating. Drink some water and ily!! <3

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