Day One part 2

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Tired and sandy, you pack your things and walk back to the AirBnB a few hours later. You take turns showering, which takes a while because there are two showers and eight people. By the time you're clean and dry, the smell of dinner teases your senses. Mouth watering, you join everyone in the kitchen where Clay and George are cooking some pasta dish with tomatoes in it. "Yum!" you say. They both smile at the compliment, and you go to plop down on the couch to browse TikTok. Arguing interrupts your thoughts as you watch the inseparable boys walk into the room. "You guys bicker like a married couple," you say. Ignoring your comment, Tommy fills you in on their conversation.

"Toby here thinks he could beat off a kidnapper."

"I could!" he chimes in.

"Hmm..." you say, thinking about who you should side with. "Tubbo's right. He's just built different," you grin smugly at Tommy's annoyed expression.

"No way. You're both wrong. Me on the other hand, the kidnapper wouldn't stand a chance." You all laugh.

"Are you kidding? What kidnapper would want you?" you laugh even harder as he feigns hurt.

"What do you think y/n, could you do it?" Tubbo asks you.

"Uh, duh," you say.

"No! You'd be the first to go!" Tommy disagrees. Before you can counter, you are called to the table. Toby brings up the topic, and everyone else thinks they would beat up the kidnapper, to everyone else's disagreement.

"Honestly, we are all kidding ourselves," you say, "what do you expect would happen? We all play video games for a living." You get laughs and nods in agreement, and you merrily finish the rest of your meal.

After dinner, you work together to clean up, then everyone disperses to their separate corners. Seeing that it's only 7:30, you get out ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies. You want to just jam out and keep your hands busy while you pass the time. Hearing you shuffle ingredients, Tubbo peeks his head around the corner and asks, "whatcha doin?"

"I was about to make cookies, want to help?" you respond.

"Yeah I'd love to!" You connect your music to a speaker and he starts measuring the dry ingredients. You're in the middle of screaming along to the Mamma Mia soundtrack and mixing the dough when you look up to see Tommy watching you. You hide your whisk/microphone behind your back and ask,

"How long have you been standing there?" He brushes off the question with another question:

"What are you guys making?"

"Cookies!" Tubbo excitedly replies.

"We're about to scoop them on the trays, you can help if you want," you offer.

"Sure." He is obviously less experienced than you and Toby, so you guide him through the steps. Eventually, he figures out how to maneuver the two spoons together and you get into a calming rhythm. You go into the bowl for another scoop, but our spoons clash. You look at each other and a spoon fight quickly ensues. Of course you win, and you finish up and put the cookies in the oven.

"I'll clean up," you say. "What? It's therapeutic," you add after getting weird looks. You reconnect the music to your headphones and scrub the bowls and mess you made. Who knew the best part of making cookies would be the 'making' part? You pass out the warm cookies, to everyone's delight, then get ready for bed. You do your skin care routine and brush your teeth, and by the time you leave the bedroom Tommy is already sitting on your bed.

"What?" he responds to your giggling, "Your bed is infinitely comfier than the floor." You roll your eyes and scootch in next to him. He turns off the lamp, and so your faces are only illuminated by your phone screens. You sit and scroll like that for a bit, but every once in a while you sneak a glance at him. The blue digital glow makes his features soft and his eyes twinkle. Eventually, you just put your phone down and pretend to sleep, but just watch him. That beautiful, beautiful boy.

A/N I think I could totally beat off an attacker. Built: different B) Am I the only one who likes doing the dishes? Please tell me I'm not crazy. Also I am very bored so if you message me I'll give you a song that gives off your vibe. 

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