Day two part 2

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George and Wilbur had picked up some take out on the way out of town and you guys were eating it while showing off the things you bought. Tommy and Tubbo bought water guns, Sapnap bought a hat and George bought a Florida t-shirt. Nikki reluctantly revealed her half of the friendship necklace and you showed your half. Noticing one of you was much more enthusiastic than the other, Dream asks,

"Nikki why don't you like the necklace?"

"I swear I like y/n I just think there are less tacky ways of proving it."

"Then why did you buy it?"

"It was bribery for knowledge," You fill Dream in. Everyone looks at you the same way but no one asks what they are all thinking, 'what knowledge?' The rest of the dinner flies by and the night is still young so you decide to watch a movie. Everyone is arguing about what to watch, so you zone out on your phone until the decision is made. "Why are we watching Saw?" You ask in a nervous tone.

"Because we are surrounded by gamers who are desensitized to gore," Tubbo tells you. Everyone walks over to the tv and you all sit around it. You're squished in between Tommy and Tubbo, but you don't mind. As they're queuing Saw up, Tommy notices that you're a little nervous.

"Are you ok y/n?" he asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, horror just wouldn't have been my first choice."

"You're scared!"

"No I'm not!" you giggle.

"It's ok I'll protect you," he says as he puts an arm around you. You're internally freaking out so you can't find the words to respond. Instead, you snuggle in closer to him. Sapnap turns around and wiggles his eyebrows like 'what is this?' You roll your eyes as the room goes dark for the movie to start. Throughout the gory film, you end up alternating between laughing at their stupid deaths with Tommy and covering your eyes and burying your face into his chest during the scary parts. Every time you do, he makes sure to hold your head close to him and whisper that it's fake and that you're ok. When the credits finally roll, Tommy is laughing, you and Tubbo look traumatized, the Dream team is asleep, and Nikki is in Wilbur's lap. You turn off the tv and say,

"Never again."

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad," Tommy says.

"I mean, you barely watched it. You were too busy cuddling with Tommy," Wilbur says, grinning.

"And the other half of the time you were covering your eyes with your hands!" Tubbo adds.

"Horror's just not my genre!" You throw your hands in the air and walk away. You get ready for bed, but jump when Tommy walks in. He laughs.

"I didn't know you were such a scaredy cat."

"That's not true!" you fake pout.

"Then who was I protecting the entirety of the movie?"

"Must have been someone else," you grin slyly. You both get into bed, but you have fallings asleep. You know it's just a stupid movie, but every time you close your eyes you swear you can see your bloody death at the hands of Saw. Tommy must notice your restlessness because he whispers,

"Are you too scared to go to bed?"


"Come here." He pulls you into him in the softest embrace you have ever felt. "You're safe with me. Nothing can get you now." Your cheeks turn red, and you feel warm and safe in his arms. You do actually fall asleep after that, a permanent smile on your face.

A/N Soft Tommy soft Tommy soft Tommyyyyyy! I feel pretty accomplished today because I got one of my friends hooked on Minecraft streamers. Finally someone will understand my references! Now, go drink water. Do it. Now. I don't care if you don't feel like getting up you're probably dehydrated. As always ily and have a good morning/afternoon/night! <3

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