Day Three part 2

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"How the hell did you pull this off?" you ask, taking in the scene.

"We almost didn't, these two are terrible liars." Nikki laughs. You're just laughing and running around looking at everything. Noticing the presents, you say,

"You didn't!"

"We all picked something out yesterday while we were shopping," George tells you.

"And you got a cake too! I love you guys so much!" You hug the nearest person, which happens to be Dream.

"Surprise," he says again, hugging you back.

Everyone settles down and decides to watch you open presents first.

"You guys really shouldn't have."

"We did because we wanted to. Now shut up and open my present first." Wilbur says. Everyone laughs and you pick up the one addressed from him. He got you a book of sheet music for the Minecraft soundtrack.

"Thank you! I can't wait to play this!" Next, Nikki hands you a small box. Inside, are dangly earrings with stars on the end. "These are gorgeous!"

"Mine next!" Tubbo hangs you a bag, and inside is a pink teddy bear. You squeal and hug it.

"What should I name him?"

"He looks like a Samuel!" Dream says.

"Sammy for short!" Tubbo adds.

"Perfect!" you say.

Dream hands you a poorly wrapped box, which you open. "It's a journal," he says, "for all your amazing ideas." You flip through all of the pages and say,

"Wow, thank you so much! I already know I'm going to use this so much." George then shoves his present into your lap. It's a record full of ABBA's best hits.

"For your record player." You jump up and hug him. "Dude how did you know how much I love ABBA?"

"It's pretty obvious," he laughs. Sapnap hands you a bag with all of your favorite candy.

"I didn't know what to get you," he says sheepishly.

"Are you kidding? I love candy!" You giggle. Tommy, being the last one, hands you his present. It's a disposable camera and a butterfly ring. You put the delicate ring on your finger and admire the tiny details. "It's beautiful," you whisper, breathless.

"Toby helped me pick it out," he said. "And you can use the camera to take pictures tomorrow."

"Yeah! I love disposable cameras and I was about to say so but I got distracted by the ring. Thank you so much I love it!" You hug him tightly.

~time skip~

You serve everyone some cake, but by the time you finish, everyone but you has someone to talk to. Noticing this opportunity, you take your slice and a towel and go sit on the beach by yourself. It had been a really fun but hectic day full of attention, so the quiet dusk sky is much needed and calming. You are lost in thought when you feel someone sit next to you. "Oh, hi Toby," you say.

"I was wondering where you went."

"I just needed some fresh air is all." You sit like that in silence for a while, just watching the moon rise.

"Are you having fun Toby?"

"Yeah! Loads! Are you?"

"Yeah," you say, smiling and looking down, thinking of the particular person you're having fun with.

"Is there a specific reason why you're having fun?" Tubbo asks, nudging you.

"What do you mean? I'm at the beach, I'm with my friends..."

"I mean, any specific person?"

"Tubbo, are you trying to goad something out of me?"


"Fine, yeah there is someone on this trip that I like."

"Oh really? Who?" Toby says, clearly unsurprised. You put your face in your hands and mumble,

"Tommyinnit." You hear a gasp from behind you. "Dream?!" He giggles and starts to run away. "What did you hear Dream? Dream! Come back!" You scramble to your feet and run after him. His pace is slowed from looking over his shoulder at you with a devilish grin, which allows you to catch up. You grab his arm, stopping him in his tracks. "Clay. What did you hear."

"I won't tell Tommy ok? But if you ask me, you guys would be really cute together. I would be happy for you." Softened by his sweetness, you pull him into a hug.

"Thank you," is all you can say. He is like a big brother to you. Toby picks up the towel and you walk back to the house, arm in arm in arm.

The rest of the night goes off without a hitch. You laugh into the late ours of the night, and don't even realize how tired you are until you notice your eyelids slipping.

"All right guys, I'm hitting the hay," you tell the group with a yawn.

"Yeah we should all probably turn in. We can clean up tomorrow," Wilbur agrees. Everyone slinks off to their corners of the house and you fall asleep in your bed the second your head hits the pillow. You don't even notice Tommy staring at you with soft eyes before climbing into bed next to you. You don't, but he definitely notices when you tuck into his embrace while in deep slumber. If you were awake, you would have seen the grin stay on Tommy's face hours after you both have drifted out of consciousness.

A/N This is seriously my favorite chapter of the book. Idk about y'all but I'm living for Dream big brother energy. Drink some water I know you're dehydrated and have a good day !!

Dream SMP Beach Week (Tommyinnit x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now