Day Three part 1

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You wake up in an empty bed. Rubbing your eyes, you freeze mid-way with a realization. "It's my birthday." You say out loud with a little giggle. Grinning from ear to ear, you change into an extra cute birthday outfit, do your birthday hair, and some birthday make-up. It's not really any different than your regular get-up, but it's special because it's your birthday! Maintaining your giddy smile you walk to the kitchen to find out what smells so good.

"Oh shit she's up," Dream nervously whispers. Everyone is there and scrambling to light the candles on a stack of pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. You gasp in delight and tear up from laughing so hard at their attempt to sing 'Happy Birthday'. Blowing out the candles, you have only one wish. For Tommy to like you back.

~time skip~

Everyone is piling into the car once again. Nick had the genius idea to use today to try and get as many free things as possible. You had looked up a list and planned out a route for your mini road-trip of free food. First stop, Starbucks. You got an iced coffee drink you saw on TokTok. Then you went to Krispy Kreme and got some free doughnuts. At this point, Wilbur, Dream, George, and Sapnap start complaining about sitting in a crowded car so we drop them off at the AirBnB. Everyone left in the car decide they are hungry and so you stop somewhere to eat.

"How does it feel to be sixteen?" Nikki asks.

"Pretty much the same to be honest," you all laugh. The food comes and Nikki whispers something to the waiter, but you know she is just hustling for the free birthday cake. When the waiters come out singing, you pretend to be surprised and laugh loudly when they place a large sombrero on your head. You share your cake with Tommy and Tubbo and they all try on your sombrero as well. After the meal is over, you say, "I don't really feel like driving around anymore, want to head back?" Your three friends look at each other with an unrecognizable expression.

"Want to go bowling? I don't want to go back yet."

"Sure!" You drive there and buy tickets. You find out that Tubbo is freakishly good and that Nikki and Tommy completely suck. You get a few lucky streaks but also play laughably bad at some points.

"All right guys we can- I mean should head back now." Tommy says, looking down at his phone. You raise an eyebrow at his choice of wording but don't think twice about it. On the drive home, the air is quiet with anticipation.

"You guys are acting weird."

"Weird? Why would you ever say we're acting weird? In fact, I would describe us as-"

"Oh, look we're back." Tommy interrupts Toby's rambling.

"Something is definitely up." You're too busy looking suspiciously at your three companions to notice what is in front of you when you open the door. Streamers and balloons litter the floor and ceiling. 'Happy Birthday y/n!' a banner messily reads. On the kitchen table, there are presents and a birthday cake. "What the fuck!" Your hands slap over your mouth in shock and you stop in your tracks.

"Surprise!" all of your friends say in unison. 

A/N Ok I know this chapter is shorter than usual but the next one is going to be long I promise. I just really wanted to end it on the cliffhanger. Happy birthday btw! Even if it's not your actual birthday, I want you to make today an unofficial day of celebration and self care. You deserve it!

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