Day 6

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"Tommy, y/n, get up. We've got to get the Europeans to the airport," Dream says, peeking his head through your bedroom door. Tommy gets up and starts to gather his packed bags but you just roll over and cover your face with a pillow. You don't want him to leave.

"Come on, y/n." Tommy comes close enough that you can pull him into a hug. "Hey, hey, it's not goodbye yet. Ok? Save it for their airport." He lets you hug him for a little longer before pulling away. You can tell there are tears in his eyes but you don't say anything. Reluctantly, you get out of bed as well. Zipping up your suitcase, you feel a wave of homesickness. Not for a place per say, but a feeling. You'll never be in this house again, and you'll possibly never be together with this same group of people face to face again either. You quickly wipe a runaway tear with your sweatshirt sleeve before checking the room one last time for items you've forgotten. Everyone is quiet as you help them pack the car.

"Y/n could you go collect the boys?" Wilbur asks, "They're at the beach." You walk down the sandy path and spot the two boys staring at the horizon. You don't want to disturb their peace, but you also don't want them to be late. You decide just to stand next to them and join their silent adieu to the salty air.

Finally, Tommy breaks the silence. "It's time to go, isn't it."

All you can do is nod because you know if you said a single word, your hoodie would be stained with tears. He takes your hand in his and the three of you leave the beach for the last time.

The car ride is quiet. A kind of warm quiet that you can appreciate, but not enjoy. Hours later, when Wilbur pulls up in front of Dream's house, the only thing you can hear is a small sigh escaping from Dream's lips. Wilbur parks and everyone gets out to help him grab his bag, but mostly to say goodbye. Without warning, George hugs Dream with an intense ferocity and lets out a sob. The tears that had been waiting all morning now escape with no resistance. Sapnap, then you, then everyone else joins George in the messy embrace.

"I'm going to miss you guys," Dream whispers.

"We'll call every day, just like we did before." Sapnap reassures him.

"It won't be the same." Dreams words resonate with you and your tears only fall harder. You love your friends so much, and it's not like you'll never speak with them again, but it's not the same. "All right you guys have a flight to catch," Dream wipes his damp cheeks, "so get off my front lawn before I call the cops on you." Everyone laughs and sniffles, shuffling back into the car. Before you do, you run back and hug him one last time.

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"Me too y/n, me too."

Back in the car, the mood has lightened considerably.

"God I'm so glad we got rid of the dead weight," George says.

"Weren't you crying five minutes ago over that 'dead weight'?" Sapnap teases.

"No, not me! Never!" You laugh and go back to joking around, grateful for the broken ice. You're so caught up in the cheerful conversation that you don't notice that Wilbur has gone quiet. Suddenly, the mood shifts again and you look around to see that you have arrived at the airport. Your face immediately drops and your cheeks become wet again. Walking your friends to their gate, your arms are linked with Tommy and you try your best to memorize everything about him before he leaves. You're concentrating on his scent when he stops in his tracks, having made it to their stop. Looking at him, you see that tears are streaking his cheeks as well. You hold his face in your hands and stare into his waterlogged eyes. You can't take it anymore, and sob into his chest. He cries into your hair and you just hold each other. Right now, he's the only other person in the world.

"It's ok y/n, I'll call you as soon as I land. It'll be like I never left." Both of you smile at his lie and you finally leave the safety of his arms to give a painful goodbye to the rest of your friends.

"Goodbye Wilbur! Goodbye Nikki! Goodbye Tubbo! Goodbye George! I'll miss you more than anything!" You hug each of them with shaky breaths and break a little more each time they release from the embrace. Suddenly, their flight is called and they hurry away to get through security on time. Tommy looks back at you one last time, and gives you a small, heartfelt wave. You start sobbing right there in the middle of the airport.

"Let's go." Nick puts his arm around you and leads you back to the car.

An hour later, you have finally composed yourself, but your puffy eyes are making it hard to stay awake. You must have fallen asleep, because you wake up disoriented and in the dark. You and Sapnap were driving the rest of the afternoon, and now you are recognizing your surroundings. A few minutes pass and you're in your neighborhood. "This is my house," you tell him. He pulls up and grabs your bags from the back of the car. You take them from him, put them down, then reach on your tippy toes to give him a hug. Both of you are exhausted and dry eyed. You think you ran out of tears back at the airport. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too," he whispers, hoarse. He gets back in the car and drives away. That was it. The best week of your life is officially over.

A/N If you cried, you are legally required to tell me. I think this will be my last fanfic, or at least for a while. I'm not exaggerating when I say reading your comments and seeing your votes gives me so much joy. I feel so seen, like I actually make an impact. All this to say that you matter. All of you have impacted my life. You are beautiful and amazing and I love you so much it's indescribable. Please drink water even if I'm not updating to remind you and please eat and take care of yourself. Ok, done with all the sappy stuff ilyyyyyy <3

Dream SMP Beach Week (Tommyinnit x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now