tour of Beauxbatons (castle grounds)

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*the video above is not mine, I found it while searching for something related to Beauxbatons and I thought this was beautiful, I recommend watching it :)*

*this is not part of the actual story this is just to give you an idea of the school and their facilities, and also give a cool somewhat interactive experience and also a background knowledge so whenever the story starts you don't get lost.*

Welcome to the official tour of our wonderful school, Beauxbatons academy of magic. We are one of the three European schools for magic along with Hogwarts and Durmstrang. 

Today we will walk through our wonderful establishment and show you to your dormitories, the library, great hall, and everything else our school has to offer with me as your tour guide, the enchantress of Beauxbatons. 

We start at the front gates of the school

these enchanted front gates are where every first year student starts their journey at Beauxbatons, they were made by goblins whom used pure gold to to create the details found on every inch of the 20 foot gates

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these enchanted front gates are where every first year student starts their journey at Beauxbatons, they were made by goblins whom used pure gold to to create the details found on every inch of the 20 foot gates.

As we move along and forward you are met with one of our many courtyards around the school

this specific courtyard leads to one of the three ballrooms Beauxbatons has within the establishment

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this specific courtyard leads to one of the three ballrooms Beauxbatons has within the establishment. It has balconies which face the gardens and herbology classroom, and more gold detailing. The enchanted clock at the top of the building was gifted to the school by one of its former students a world renowned alchemist Nicolas Flamel

 The enchanted clock at the top of the building was gifted to the school by one of its former students a world renowned alchemist Nicolas Flamel

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the second courtyard includes a huge fountain that was also gifted to the school by Nicolas Flamel and his wife Perenelle. The fountain is said to have beautifying abilities but everyone is beautiful and perfect just the way they are.

we have an enchanted rose garden on the west end of our property, in the winter time the roses turn a milk white, in spring a light pink, in summer a beautiful blood red, and in autumn a deep orange and yellow

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we have an enchanted rose garden on the west end of our property, in the winter time the roses turn a milk white, in spring a light pink, in summer a beautiful blood red, and in autumn a deep orange and yellow. Every color has different magical properties, some have still not been discovered but the winter roses are known to have immense healing capabilities.

the following pictures are the overview of the school grounds

the following pictures are the overview of the school grounds

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