Chapter one

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This story is about Seth Tennyson in the year 2056. He was a tall man. He was twenty-one years of age with short brown hair, never very popular in school and not many friends, but was very smart and good with computers in two ways. The only friends he had were his family and Revally Enoso he was a tall man at the age of twenty very good with bows and computers and Nebula Emerald she was a beautiful girl at the age of twenty-one she was smart quite talented with a sword and a shield and is teaching Seth how to properly do swordplay. Then there is his brother Tristin. He is short for the age of nineteen. He is usually very quiet and like his brother he is smart.
      In this story, our heroes go on a normal camping trip that normal people do. Little did they know that this one would be different. This story starts in a normal campsite where normal people stay at, in a town called Bellwood. “Ok let set up we don't have long till nightfall. I'll go and grab our stuff. Nebula you got the title of chief for the trip so can you get started on dinner." Seth said. Once they were all set up and ate dinner they were sitting around the campfire. “Does anyone want to do something? Like a game." Revally asked “how about maybe a game of who am I or even baseball mab. When Nebula was about to suggest a game a meteor-like object came falling out of the sky mid word Nebula shouted so it sounded more like mab-AAA. Once the dust settled there was a weird metal ball in their fire it left a good size crater. “Let's take a look and jump in at the same time. 1, 2."
    On two they all slipped in and not on three. To their surprise the thing opened and revealed four weird space watches. All four watches leap into the air and went to the corresponding person green to Seth, orange to Tristin, blue to Revally, Magenta to Nebula. They all went historic in shock. They shook and tried to push things off. When they all calmed down Seth said “What in the blazes is this' ' while picking at the thing on his wrist. “Stop that or something might happen!" Nebula said. And something did Seth turned into a fiery creature and he went historic again because he was on fire literally. He screamed “AAAAAAH PUT IT OUT PUT IT OUT PUT IT OUT!!! What it doesn't hurt. All I want is to turn back." When he said that he turned back.  “Hey does anyone feel different?" Asked Nebula. “Now that you mention it ya a little bit." Seth said. Little did they know that there is a prophecy about four people three of which are destined for greatness and three of them are the strongest heroes this world will ever see. “Hey did anyone hear that? It sounded like an explosion."  Seth asked. “Ya I heard it too. Do think someone's hurt?" Nebula said.

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