Chapter five

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the thing that came out of the wormhole which was now on Shadow. “Ow if one more thing lands on me I will kill it!” Shadow shouted. “Wait I think he's waking up.” Seth woke up to find eight things staring at him. “Ahh! Stay back I am very dangerous!” Seth said ready to transform into a swampfire. “Wo wo wo easy there pal you had us nervous if you were ok.” Said Sonic. “I’m Sonic by the way what’s yours?” “Seth, Seth Tennyson. Nice to meet you. Um you with the silver fur.” Said Seth. “Me?” Said Silver puzzled. “Ya you I don't think I have your species in the ultimatrix yet do you mind if I scan you? I promise it won't hurt.” Ask Seth. “Um sure.” replied Silver. After seth scanned Silver he was introduced to the rest of Sonic's friends and family. After they all meat they decided to get something to eat at the cafe nearby. The news channel was on the tv and something very strange was going on. “We have some bad news the notorious Dr eggman has escaped his prison cell on the moon. We don't know his whereabouts or his intentions are. On to the weather.” The news reporter said. “Oh great, can't we have a peaceful life now a days.” Complained Sonic. “Don't worry we will put him back for good.” Said Amy. She was pink hedgehog and had super strength. “You know him? If so I would be happy to help.” Said Seth. “You would. Thank you Seth!” Said Sonic’s sister Sonia. She was a dark pink hedgehog that was twenty-one years of age. “No problem Sonia consider it thanks for letting me stay until I find my friend. I really appreciate it.” Replied Seth. “You're welcome Seth. Anyways can tell us what she looks like so we know can help find her?” Tails asked. After a few moments, they heard a faint boom as if something was walking toward them. Then was followed by screaming. “What is going on? Lets go check it out. Oh great, just great it was a matter of time before he showed up.” Sonic complained. “Hohoho I am indeed back and more powerful than before! Mm who is your new friend? I am dr. Ivo robotnick or also known as the Eggman.” Said Eggman form his speaker on the 80 feet tall robot. “Well this sounds like a good time to use the 300 feet tall To’kustar Way Big! Seth said. “Well looks who's big now you thought you were big but I am way big!” “Um can we please talk about this?” Eggman said while Seth was leering over him. “We could but it would be more fun to kick you back to the moon. Seth Boomed. And like Seth said he kicked Eggman back to the moon” then crossed his arms I an X shape to fire a green cosmic ray to blow up the mech suit. “THIS ISN’T THE LAST YOU SEE OF ME!!!!!!!!!” Shouted Eggman. “Well that's that. Oh close your mouth tails your not a Venus fly trap. Well anyway let's head back.

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