Chapter seven

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A few months passed by and the team was still kicking butt. As well as warm up to Nebula. However this week would be the toughest battle they had. As a plus side Nebula was slowly remembering what happened in the skylands before she was teleported to the Sega dimension. Seth, Tristin, Revally, and Nebula share one house, but have separate rooms. “Guys breakfast is ready! Morning Tristin you to Revally. Where's Seth I know not a morning person now, but this is getting ridiculous. Help yourselves to eggs and bacon. I'm going to wake up Seth with the air horn.” Said Nebula. So she went to get the air horn from her room and walked into Seth's room and used the air horn which went HOOOOOK!!!!!! “AAAAAAAAAH! DANGER DANGER! Grrr don't do that! Where's my shirt? There it is. Morning Nebula don't do it again or I might as well through it into orbit.” Seth said agitated. “Morning Seth. Breakfast is ready. Come on the food is getting cold.” Said Nebula. “Morning guys after I am done eating I am going out for a little walk. Your more than welcome to come.” Seth said sleepily. Nebula agreed, but Tristin and Revally had things to do at the house. After Breakfast Seth and Nebula left for their walk. “So where are we going? I was thinking we could go to Mount Safety of the beach.” Said Nebula happily. “I don't care if you choose.” Seth replied. “Lets go to Mount Safety and make shapes out of the clouds. Sound good? Good! Lets go!” Said Nebula excitedly. They start to run to get to the mountain. They got there and laid down in the grass looking up at the sky. They looked at each other and Nebula had a flashback of them on the mountain top in the normal campsite where normal people stay. “Ugh ow my head. Huh I…I remember. I remember you, Tristin, Revally, Kevin, azmuth, and even your grandfather Ben!” Nebula said excitedly. “Wow that's great Nebula we got your memories back! Congrats! I'm so happy for you.” Said Seth happily. “Oh no Seth the zeti. They're here they're here for use for you, Tristin, Revally, and me! We need to warn the others. Tell them to meet us at our house in an hour.” Exclaimed Nebula. An hour later everyone was there and was cruoris about why they were all there. “Excuse me Seth, but why are we here?” Said a bat named Rouge. “Yeah why are we here?! I’m supposed to be guarding the master emerald on Angel island you know!” Said a red Echidna named Knuckles. “We will get to the point soon we are just waiting on Sally.” Said Nebula. Then the hologram phone rang Seth answered it. Then a squirrel with red hair and blue vest Appeared. “Hey guys is the on?” Said the squirrel. “No why? Is something wrong Sally? Asked Seth. Seth turned on the TV. Seth, Nebula, Sonic, and Tails saw the most terrible and familiar thing they saw. It was Zavok the leader of the deadly six. This scared Nebula so much she panicked and stumbled on the couch. “Hello citizens of Mobius! I am Zavok leader of the deadly six! We have a warning for you all if you don't surrender your fate Sonic to us we will destroy your home, your friends, your family, everybody in this city. You have one week to make your decision.” Boomed Zavok. “HIM I THOUGHT HE DIED ON THE LOST HEX! How did he live that exploitation  I’m lucky to have gotten out of there alive.” Shouted Sonic. “Hey Nebula you ok? Talk to me?” Asked Seth worried. “We… we… we have fight him. We must fight them, we must fight them! We need a plan to fight them.” Nebula said.
     “Well at least. I have an idea to help win. However, this plan requires interdimensional help and I have some ideas on who to ask, but I don't think some of you will agree.” Seth said. “Who are you thinking about Seth” asked Sonic. “I am thinking of the skylanders, the Avengers, and Sonic’s friend Mega man.” Said Seth. “Well could be worse.” Shadow said. “Do have any better ideas. Thought so well I was think Tristin and Revally can go to the skylands. And Sonic and Tails can find Mega Man and Nebula and I can pay a visit to the Avengers.” Said Seth. “Ok, but how are we going to do this? We don't know how to jump dimensions.” Tails pointed out. “That my be true but I do.” Said a strange low voice. They all looked at the mysterious voice. “Um down here.” The man said. “Your… your a galvin aren't you?!” Said Tails surprised at the sight. “Yes I am a galvin. My name is Asmuth creator of the ultimatrix and I am here to give a new upgrade for this problem. Here you go guys plus I put a new alien in there as well.” Said Asmuth. “Ok all set now the function in there now is if there a new alien in its database it will transformation you into it. the new alien is called Gutrot. When you turn into the new guy you become a living chemistry gas laboratory. Useful for quick escape only works on who you want to have it affect and there is a big surprise in there you three. They are your favorite Pokemon. Nebula you got the Mischief pokemon Hoopa. Revally you get the Diving Pokemon Lugia. Tristin you get your custom Pokemon the gloom power pokemon marchamp. Finally Seth you get the ninja pokemon Greninja. Most of them have ultimate forms Nebula yours is Hoopa-unbound and Seth yours is ash greninja.” “I...I...I don't know what to say. Thank you they will be great help. We will make you proud Asmuth.” Seth said enthusiastically. “All right guys let go!” Shouted Tristin.

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