Chapter three

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That morning they packed up and drove to the plumbers H.Q. It took about one and a half hours to reach the air strip where they would take a spaceship to the headquarters. “So Revally Nebula I take it Seth and Tristin showed you how to use the ultimatrix?” Kevin asked. “Wait what are you talking about?” Asked Nebula was quite taken aback. “Long story don’t worry about it.” Seth replied. They finally got to the plumbers base. “Ah Kevin you're finally here about time we were about to send some men to find you but it appears to be not necessary. For those who don't know who I am, my name is asmuth creator of the ultimatrix. The reason for your needed assistance is to help us go where no being has gone before. How ever you four will need to learn about your ultimatrix and how to use it.” Asmuth said. After two hard months of training and lessons our heroes were ready to go where no being has gone before. “Don’t worry guys we tested this dimension hopping thing thousands of times.” Said the scientist. Intruder alert intruder alert intruder alert intruder alert the alarm sounded “Oh no Vilgax is here you need to go now. But before going Seth take Steel with you. STEEL HERRY UP.” The scientist shouted. “Steel I need you to ultralink with Seth.” After Steel ultralinked with seth him and his companions went through the portal into a new dimension. “Ugh where are we? Wo so beautiful guys wake up and it worked. I wonder what this place is? It might be full of giant flying islands. Come on let's go and.” Seth was interrupted by a birdman. “Who might you four be you lawbreakers I will take you to the skylands police station, but first we need to remove your weapons.” The birdman said. BOOOOM an explosion of energy emitted from the ultimatrix and sent the birdman into a tree.
     “Yeah just like to see you try to take these from us IT'S HERO TIME! Ok lets see how well you do against a Sonorosian. ECHO ECHO! Seth said.  “Plus a Petrosapien! Diamond Head!” shouted Tristin. “Might as well throw in a Gimlinopithecus Shocksquatch!” Said Revally. Well why not add a Necrofriggian. Big Chill!” Said Nebula. “Ok then you got friends then meet mine Elf, Eruptor, Pop, Spyro this is Jet Vac I need some back up.” said Jet Vac into his com-link. Well that was fast guys now let's show these things how we do things in the skylands.” “Ok guys split up Tristin you get the blue fuzz ball. Revally you get the birdman. Seth you get the green elf and the dragon.” Said Nebula. “Roger Roger” all three of the Sonorosian clones said at the same time. “As for me I got the hot head. Said Nebula. After they had their opponents Seth created several more clones before attacking Stealth Elf and spyro. It ended in five minutes with the skylanders stuck in ice and our heroes transformed back into humans. “Since we did not get any answers yet shall we get them ourselves? If so then I will do it with a Nemuina.” Said Seth. “You won't be able to get any answers from use.” Said Spyro. “Well we will see about that. Meet Pesky Dust the Nemuina. Pesky Dust. Seth said in a very high pitched voice. So He sprinkled truth dust on the skylanders then turned back to humans. “So tell us where we are? I also assume you are going to need help with something.” Said Nebula. “Well my name is Jet Vac and these are my teammates the dragons name is spyro. The lava man is eruptor. The elf's name is Stealth Elf and last but least Pop Fizz" said Jet Vac. “And together we form a squad of skylanders.” “J V stop spilling the beans they could be doom raiders.” Said Spyro. At that precise moment a woman made of what looks like gold  appeared this was one of the most feared villains in the skylands. This was the Golden Queen. “Well well look like we have some new kids on the block.” Said the Golden Queen. “Who might you be? Cause you look like you cause lots of trouble am I right?” Asked Revally. “Ha ha ha. Clever boy now help me take those skylanders to my base.” Commanded the Golden Queen.” Oh no I don't think so. IT'S HERO TIME. meet the power of a Conductoid! Feedback!”shouted Seth. Well when you put it that way meet a Gourmand! Go Upchuck.” Shouted Tristin. “I suppose maybe a Crystalsapien could do. Ok Chromastone lets go.” Exclaimed Nebula. “ let me add the power of a Tetramand. Go Four Arms!” Shouted Revally. As they prepare for battle.
     “What do you think you’re doing?! Do as I say you fools. Let your Crystalline friend pose as an example.” Said the Golden Queen. She shot a beam of gold magic. Instead of turning Nebula into gold she absorbed it. “WHAT can this be the only others that I cannot turn to gold are Kaos and Kassandra!” exclaimed the Golden Queen. “My turn.” Nebula said. Nebula blasted a laser at the Golden Queen taking her out in one hit. After they turned back to normal Seth freed the skylanders with a Talpaedan named Armodrillo and returned to skylanders academy.

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