Chapter sixteen

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Later that evening with everyone in bed. Seth got a call from professor pickle. "Hello. Who would dare disturbed a sleeping person?" Seth said sleepily. "Sorry to wake you, but I have a hit on the tablet shard. It is a piece of a map to the lost island of arkus. Where the Hands of Armageddon is to be found. According to my books it has immense power. Well that's is all I found so good night." Pickle said then hung up. "Great just great we need to find those pieces and soon." Meanwhile in Revally's old room which is now the guest bedroom. Lily was making a phone call. "Ok I got his trust want else do you want me to do? you big fat air head of an Asgardian!" Lily whispered. "Now, now is that how you talk to your husband. I thought you were better than that." A man said on the other side of the phone. "You're not my husband anymore. Not after what you did. Nick is my real husband not you." Lily whispered angrily. "Well your next task is to find more on the Ultimatrix and bring them to us. Then we'll let him go." The man said then hung up. The next morning there was a meeting in the star cruisers meeting room. Everyone was there, Nebula, Seth, Steel, Tristin, Lily, Silver, Blaze, Shadow, Sonic, Amy, Rouge, Tails, Sonia, Manic, Knuckles and a few other old friends and ex-enemies. "Ok now that we are all here we have a problem that we need to stop. Now late last night I got a call from if I had had a bet I would have lost some money, professor pickle steel had him and several others look at this piece of map which we now know leeds to the island of arkus. As it turns out it is has the universe's most powerful relic somewhere on the island. This relic is known as The Hands of Armageddon. For those who don't know. It is a Chronian artefact said to exist simultaneously in every dimension. The Hands of Armageddon is an ancient device said to exist simultaneously throughout time and space, acting as a crosstime gateway. The Hands of Armageddon resemble Mayan calendars. The Hands has five orbs; four on the outer ring and one larger orb in the center. Between the four orbs on the outer ring are lemniscate patterns; a mathematical symbol representing the concept of infinity. The etching on the Hands are always the same in every universe, but the Hands can be made of an assortment of materials, such as metals and minerals. However in our case it is made of vibranium, which is incredibly hard to break. Only people physically powerful enough can break it. Or maybe give enough power output to destroy it." Seth said. "So we have a general location, but not a clue on how to break it maybe after all these years you are starting to lose your touch on this kind of thing." Shadow said. "I have not Shadow. I just thought I wouldn't have to deal with the hands. The great Ben Tennyson and a version of his future self. Were the first ones that I know of to destroy the hands, but their hands were made of a type of rock or something." Seth said. "So if we find the rest of the map we can get to the hands first." Shadow said. "No won't work Vilgax and company already have the rest of the map. At their last meeting Eon showed them." Said a female Echidna, who wore ninja like clothing. "And you know this how Shade?" Said Silver. "She is our mole in the enemy base." Seth explained. "Shade can you get a scan of the map and send it to Steel?" "Yeah I might be able to. It might take a bit since I am not sure where Eon hid it." Shade Said. After an hour or so the meeting ended.
After three months of planning and now that they have a digital copy of the map. They finally knew where the hands were located. However Vilgax also has the full map. Seth still found time to train Nebula with magic. Half way through Nebula's lesson on using a sling ring. "Seth you have a transmission." Steel said. "Ok send it through." Seth said. Steel started the message. "Hello Tennyson. Nice to see you hope you are doing swell. Why don't we meet up for lunch? Tomorrow at noon at the Big Belly Burger on tenth. And do say hello to Lily for me." The message ended. "Steel Who sent that?" Asked Seth. "No idea can't trace it." Well thanks. And as for you Nebs we are done. Tomorrow morning in Seth's lab. He was working on a new ultimatrix, which would have many more functions than what he had for now. One was the ability to fuse several different transformations with each other even with his pokemon. "Hello is this thing on. Ok test number 25 for the fusion function. Ok um ultimatrix activate fusion mode code 6670138." Seth said. "Fusion mode active." The new ultimatrix said. "Ok first is a Pyronite and Orishan fusion." Seth said. He activated the new ultimatrix and became an alien hybrid. "Yes! YES IT WORKS! I think I should call this transformation Heat Water. Now all that is left is to put all of the infinity stones, Chaos Emeralds, and the phantom ruby. We also have a different name for this then ultimatrix 2. I think it shall be called the Infinitrix. Steel do you think you can handle inserting them?" Seth said. "You bet I can. Just leave the Ultimatrix and the Infinitrix here and I will send them both up to your room when they are done." Steel said. Seth left the Ultimatrix and Infinitrix with Steel so that he may implement the fourteen gems. Up stairs in the living room a meeting was taking place. "So how are we going to tell him? How are going to tell him that Vilgax is making his advance tomorrow." Tristin said. "Easy exactly how you said it. That is how you should tell him." Nebula said. "Tell who about what? Said Seth as he left the secret staircase. "Oh um well we were discussing how to tell you that. Um..."Tristin said. " Oh for heaven's sake! Vilgax is making an advance on the hands tomorrow." Nebula said. "What ok we really need to get a move on. We're going to want a head start if we want to get there first. Get the team ready and meet me down stairs." Seth said. While Nebula and Tristin were making phone calls Seth was in his lab's secret lab slash bunker. "Steel you better be done running those tests!" Shouted Seth. "I am 15% of way done." Steel replied quite annoyed. "Well 15% will have to do." Seth said. "Keep running them. I am not going to equip it yet. I just hope I don't have to use it." Seth grabbed the Infinitrix and went to the meeting room in the main hanger. "Ok is everyone here?" Nope not yet just waiting on two more. "Ok we're here sorry it took so long." Said a red mobian wolf. "Some one misplaced his extremely special red sword." "I told you Gadget since I don't have the phantom ruby any more I have to revert back to my old ways of defeating enemies!" Said a black and white mobian jackal. "Yeah yeah I know Zero but still try and keep it in one place ok." Gadget said. "Ok, thank you for coming on such short notice. Especially you Zero given our um past." Seth said. "Yeah don't remind me. I am just here to try and make up for all of my mistakes." Zero said. "Well as some of you may know Vilgax is making an advance on the hands of Armageddon on the island of arkus. We need to get there as soon as we can and chances are he will have an army at his command. If we can get there first and destroy the hands we can prevent him taking over." Seth said. I'm sorry to burst your collective bubbles, but Vilgax is on the move." Nebula said. "Well that cuts this pep-talk short. Anyway Steel and I took the library of making all of use our own personal star fighters so that we can get there easily they are all on the star cruiser though. Steel can you beam us up to the hanger." Seth said. After they were on the ship they set course for the island of arkus in some fighters on the cruiser. After some time they arrived at arkus. They walked for hours upon hours until they finally found the hands. Unfortunately..."There it is." Said narrator#2. "Hey no breaking the fourth wall ok." Narrator#1 shouted. "Sorry but still I knew there would be an negative repercussion and there it is." Narrator#2 said. "Ok fine just don't do it again cupeash?" Narrator#1 said. "Cupeash." Narrator#2 replied "Ok back to it" Narrator#1 said. Unfortunately Vilgax was also there. "Oh no we're to late, but they haven't used it yet. So we might have time." Tristin said. "Well well, look who we have here. Said a mysterious man wearing black robes and a helmet that remarkably resembled a Rito. "You're too late Tennyson the end of this world is inevitable with the hands I can finally destroy you and your friends. Darth Rito, Darth Sidious dispose of them." Vilgax said. "Let's make their deaths shocking my young apprentice." Sidious said. Before Rito and Sidious could use the Sith's force lightning technique. Time seemed to slow down around Seth as he charged at the two sith shoving them away from being able to hit his friends. He kept going Vilgax is close to activating the hands when Seth was close enough he extended three long shiny sharp Vibranium and Adimanteum alloy comprised claws. Slicing Vilgax's hand off. Unfortunately, Seth did not take into account the momentum of the movement of Vilgax's hand and then the hands opened. Everyone in the area was knocked over. Seth pushed Vilgax and Darth Rito into the wormhole that the hands opened. Sidious was no where to be found. With his new found speed Seth got all of his friends off the island and into the mainland as if they all teleported there. However Seth was still on the island. "Steel are the tests done?" Seth asked. "Yes why?" Steel said concerned. "I am going to close it, but the Ultimatrix won't cut it I need the Infinitrix." Seth said as he discarded the Ultimatrix and equipped the Infinitrix. "Infinitrix activate project infinity code 0102375." Seth commanded. Project infinity activated all power restraints deactivated proceed with caution. The Infinitrix warned. Seth was engulfed in a bright red light resulting in him revealing his true self. Which resembled his ex-enemy Infinite aka Zero. He blasted everything he had as he was getting sucked in. However he will be going to different worlds then his enemies. Then everything went black.

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