Chapter nine

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Well let's clean up we left a big mess up there especially Thor’s.” Said Seth. “Well what are we waiting for that mess won’t clean itself no matter how much we ask it to.” They all left the lab to clean up. After the monstrosity was out of place they and a new adventure awaiting them. “Well I don't know about you, but I am ready to hit the hay. See you in the morning boys.” Nebula said while yawning. The rest of them said good night and did the same. In the morning when everyone was awake and eating breakfast still not fully ready. They had a visitor. “DING DONG!” The doorbell rang. “Huh I wonder who could be visiting us this ungodly hour?” Seth asked puzzled. He went to answer the door and found out who would visit at this ungodly hour. “Who are you and why are you here at this ungodly hour? The four of us are eating you know. Now come back at ten old man.” Said Seth as he shut the door. However the old man knocked. “Ugh. What is it?” Seth asked the old man. “Hello Seth nice to meet you. I am Professor Paradox time traveler and friend of your grandfather Ben and have you know it is rude to call a reasonably old man ‘old man’. Oh dear I seem to have disrupted your breakfast. Are those pancakes I smell?” Said Paradox. “Oh Mr. Paradox I am sorry I didn't recognize you and yes you did kinda disrupt our breakfast also yes that is the smell of pancakes. Care for some while you say you need use since according to My grandfather you never come to say hello. Do you?” Seth said. “Why of course I would very much like some. Also you have a very good memory.” Paradox Replied. Seth let Paradox in and introduced every one who didn't know who he was. After Paradox got his pancakes they were talking about why he was there. “Thank you Nebula. Well now that I have my pancakes we can talk. I need your help in your home dimension.” Said Paradox. “Really how so?” Replied Seth. “Your sister is in danger.” Said Paradox. This last comment made Seth and Tristin choke on the food “Who, what what?” Asked Seth very shocked. “Your sister is in danger. If you four don't save here than the whole space time continuum with fall apart Eon has sent many bounty hunters after her and no it not the One you know Tristin and Revally. We need to take her to Asmuth. Luckily I already told Asmuth about her and he went to make another ultimatrix for her and after her training she will be sent here.” Said Paradox. “Well at least it was a good thing you came to use at this ungodly hour.” Said Revally. After they took care of the dishes and left a note to the gang they got ready to go find her.
     They arrived back home in the year 2057. “Ok we are back but year after the four of us get the ultimatrix and according to Paradox said she should be eighteen. As a bonus he gave us a photo so we know who we are trying to save. Where should we start looking?” Said Seth. “I guess we could try your house.” Said Nebula. “Unless anyone has a better idea?” “Ok then that is where we will start our search. Let's get moving I doubt we have too much time to find her before Eon sends Khyber to find her.” Seth said worried. After a lot of walking around the town they finally came to Seth’s and Tristin's sister’s house. “Liat are you home? Wait the door is open! Everyone pick an alien.” Seth said. Tristin went with Marchamp, Revally went with an Incursean named bullfrag, Nebula chose an Ectonurite name Ghostfreak, and Seth went with Loboan named Blitzwolfer. “I can smell another sent other than Liat’s. Let’s go slowly.” Said Seth. They all went into the house. It was a disaster as if there was a struggle and Seth could hear a faint noise coming from the second floor. They all followed the source of the noise. They came to the door of the room to which the noise was coming from. Revally opened the door and there she was unconscious tied up in a chair. They are quite lucky that Khyber was waiting for Eon in the back yard and did not hear them come into the house. “It’s ok sis we're going to get you out of here.” Seth said relieved. They snuck out of the house and hid in an alley in the city near Mr. Smoothie still in their alien forms just in case. Thirty minutes after they arrive she starts waking up. “Ugh hu were, were am I. Ahhh!! Stay stay back stay away from me!” Liat screamed. “Please don't eat me I am poisonous!” “Woah easy easy it's ok sis it's me Seth see.” Seth said reassuringly as he, Nebula, Tristin, and Revally changed back. “See everything is ok.” Said Tristin. “Seth, Tristin so good to finally meet you. Hi I am Liat, Liat Tennyson. Nice to meet you guys too.” Said Liat happily. “Pleasure, I am Nebula emerald and this is Revally Enoso.” Said Nebula. Pleased to meet you.” Said Revally. “Hey since we are here at Mr. Smoothie why don't we get well smoothies.” Tristin suggested. They ordered their smoothies and sat down to catch up. “So how's Mom and Dad? I hope they are ok.” Asked Seth. “Then after that you can tell us about yourself.” “well Mom and Dad are going great. Dad is on another trip to England for work again and as for Mom. She is trying to keep busy. Now on to me I am eighteen and I am the average person I work at the coffee shop down the road. Enough about me what about you four. What have been up to.” Said Liat. “Oh nothing much. Just doing some butt kicking and interdimensional travelling. Now we are here talking to you sis. So that is use in a nutshell. We should be heading to the plumber base then head home. Shall we head-- what's going on.” Revally said. The four of them go outside with Liat still inside Mr. Smoothie. “Well well well if it isn't a Detrovite or should I say Baby Man.” Mocked Tristin. “Ugh don't call me BABY MAN!!!!! My name is Vulkanus! How many times do I have to say it!” Shouted Vulkanus. “What ever say Baby Man.” Insulated Tristin. “Ugh your going to get it! Eat lasers!” Shouted Vulkanus. “When you put it that way. Say hello to Shock Rock the Fulmini. You guys get Liat out of here. Revally stay here.” Said Tristin. “On it lets try wildvine the Florauna.” Revally said. Seth and Nebula went back inside Mr. Smoothie to get Liat out and start running like no tomorrow.  “Come on we are getting out of here.” Seth said. “Why were are we going?” Asked Liat very confused. “I don't know. Nebula can you turn into Hoopa to get us out.” Seth asked. “Way ahead of you. Hoopa let's go.” Said Nebula. Once she turned into Hoopa she used ring portal to leave the premise. Once out they grabbed Tristin and Revally and pulled them through. “Are we good? Good. We really need to get you to Asmuth pronto. I mean seriously I have dealt with enough people that are after you.” Complained Revally. “So should I warp use there or do you want to do the honours Seth?” Asked Nebula. “I guess I will. Besides I need practice using the Infinity Stones.” Seth said. “Since I don't use them much.” Seth opened up a portal to the plumber base. When they arrived they found Asmuth. “Hey Asmuth we’re here with Tristin and Seth's sister.” Announced Revally. “Well very good to see you again. How hard was it getting her out of her house? Well anyway now that she is here we can commences with binding of the ultimatrix. So you may watch or go back to your friends.” Asmuth said. “I think we should leave they are probably waiting for us to get back home so bye sis see you in a few months ok.” Seth said. They said their goodbyes and Seth, Nebula, Tristin, and Revally left.

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