Chapter eight

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We join Sonic a tails in Mega Man’s universe. “Well here we are Sonic. Shall we knock?” Asked Tails before knocking. “Huh who’s there.” Said a muffled voice. “Huh Sonic! Tails! What are you doing here?!” Said a man with a beard. “Nice to see you Dr. Light. Say is Mega Man or as you call him Rock here?” Asked Sonic. “As a matter of fact, he is. ROCK YOU HAVE SOME VISITORS!” Said Dr light. “OK DAD SEND THEM UP TO MY ROOM!” Shouted a voice. Sonic and tails went up stairs to see a boy with spiky brown hair sitting at a computer. “Hey Rock long time no see.” Said Sonic. “Huh Sonic? SONIC TAILS! So good to see you again. Why are you here?” Asked Rock (in case you don’t know Rock and Mega Man are the same person) After Sonic and tails explain everything Mega Man agrees to help them defeat the zeti. 

     We now join Tristin and Revally in skylanders academy speaking with eon and the skylanders after the explanation. “Oh dear me that does not sound good. We will aid you in your conflict with these Zeti people.

     We now join our friends Seth and Nebula in the Marvel dimension. “Ok here we are out the Avengers base in upstate New York. Alright are you ready Nebula?” Said Seth. “Um excuse me um who are you? You better leave before I throw you out!” Said a man with a giant axe. “Wo wo wo! We are just here be Because we need-" Seth said before he was almost blasted two feet and electrocuted by a raccoon, but however the ultimatrix has a failsafe. Due to the failsafe he transformed into an amperi named AmpFibian. “What the!? Did that raccoon just shoot me?!” Said Seth very perplexed as he turned back to normal. “Yeah I did, but I'm focusing on how that didn't hurt.” Said the raccoon. “It talks to. Well with all the weird stuff we have seen how weird a talking raccoon can be.” Said Nebula. “Shall we show them what happens when you mess with us?” “Agreed. IT'S HERO TIME! How about we use the new guys. Go Greninja!” Seth said. Good idea. Ok Hoopa lets go!” Nebula replied with a slight grin on her face. “ I got Thor. You get the raccoon.” Seth said quickly. Before charging at Thor. After a while Seth got a chance to explain why he and Nebula are here to them and the rest of the Avengers. “Ok so let me get this straight. You are from another dimension and you need our help plus a few other dimensions as well correct?” Said a wizard named Dr. Strange. “Correct Strange. So will you guys help?” Asked Seth. After they agree on who is going and staying. The hero's that go are Thor, Captain America, Tony Stark, Colonel James Rhodes or Rhody, the hulk or bruce banner, and Peter Parker the Spider man.
     “Ok now that everyone is here. We can go over the plan to defeat the zeti for good. I know that Sonic and mega man have dealt with them before mostly Sonic so any weaknesses they might have?” Asked Nebula. “Well from what I know Zavok can control robots. They also do have their own personal robots, but I don't know if they have them or not. As for their weaknesses not much I know the surten conch can weaken them. However I may have smashed it trying to stop Eggman. Soo that won't work.” Sonic said nervously. “Hey why don't one of you use your Celestialsapien Alien X?” Asked Spyro. “Who is Alien X might I ask?” Asked Thor. “Well Alien X is a Celestialsapien the most powerful creature in any dimension. They can control reality this includes time and to put this as my uncle Kevin would say. They can blink and you'd be gone. They are so durable they can survive a universal destruction and come out unscathed, and recreate a copy of it to exactly the way it was before. Even things it doesn't know about.” Seth said, “however we only use it as a failsafe if mine and Tristin's first failsafe doesn’t cut it.” They go over the plan after they're done the start to evacuate the city Eggman’s abandoned lair. “Ok that should be the last of them. Heading back now.” Tony said. “Ok meet use at the city center we are already in position.” Said Nebula. After a while the zeti arrived and definitely have been hard at work for the past week. Seth has gotten ready by transforming into a Chimera Sui Generis named Sucker Punch. (for any one does not know Chimera Sui Generis is the same species as Vilgax and is the DNA sample for this transformation) Nebula also got prepared by transforming into a Atasian known as Highbreed. Revally also did the same transforming into a Galilean called Gravattack. Plus Tristin transformed into his special Mephiles form. “Ok is everyone ready?” Asked Seth into the comlinks. “Yes I believe we are in position. Now all we do is wait.” Replied Captain America. After a few minutes Zavok wanted to get Sonic’s answer. “So have you made your decision?” Asked Zavok. “As you can see we came prepared in case we need to fight.” “As a matter of fact I have. DO IT NOW.” Said Sonic as he sped out of the way so that hulk can start smashing. “Ahhh HULK SMASH PUNY RED MAN.” Shouted Hulk. “Arrgg ATTACK THEM!” Shouted Zavok. “Tristin, Rhody, Spyro, Jet-Vac, Tails, Silver, Rouge make sure that no one leaves the vicinity of the city. Thor, Stark, Revally, Cap, Elf, Pop, sonic, Sonia, Manik fend of the robots. Everyone else comes with me. We are going to find the rest of the deadly six.” Seth said into the coms.  After a while, I fought robots that got in their way. “There you are!” Said an old short blue Zeti. “We’ve been expecting you" “Yeah I've been itching for them to come find use Master Zik.” Said a tall pink lunatic Zeti. “I think you might be itchy cause you need a bath.” Spider-Man remarked mockingly. “Are you disrespecting me!” Shouted the pink lunatic. “Maybe” Spider-Man mumbled. “Maybe we should teach them their manners Zazz" Said Master Zik. “Alright then. Nebula you get the green girl. Mega Man you get the purple emo guy. Eruptor you get the lunatic. Spidy you get the old guy. Leave the fat one to me.” Said Seth. “Hey who you calling fat!” Shouted the fat yellow zeti. After a while with Peter to pace the time by talking throughout the fight they finally put the zeti down for good. The space police force came in their police spaceship and took the zeti to their cells. “Well with them out of the way for now how about we celebrate! How about it?” Asked Tristin. “I got the beer!” Said Thor as he ran off. “Well yeah sure. Let’s do it and also we probably don't want to go after him. So see you all at my house at eight o-clock.” Seth said. After two hours of gathering items for the party they were finally all set up for the celebration. Even the ten six packs of beer that Thor brought. Seth, Nebula, Tristin, Revally, and Spyro decorated the place. Everybody except Thor got food and drinks (not more beer). Everybody had a great time, but were disappointed when it was time to send everyone back to their dimension. “Before you leave take this. It is a little something I was working on. It can make calls Straight to the ultimatrix even if we are in other dimensions.” Said Seth. They all took the communication devices and left.

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