Chapter two

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“I think we should use the space watch things and protect the other campers." Seth said. “I don't know bro, you know how I am with a fight." Tristin complained. “Come on Chase we all have a space watch think we should wo wo oof. What was that? I want to try something." Seth said. Seth raised his fist at a tree and BZZZT a beam of green energy emitted from his hand causing the tree exploded in a heap of fire and fell over.   “Um. . ."Tristin muttered. Plop  Tristin fainted “What should we do? Maybe we can get the things working we could use. . . Hey I got it to work lets see this looks like a dinosaur. Why are guys so short and why is my voice lower and why are you guys a little pale? Did it work?" Seth asked. “Well if you call turning into a giant alien dinosaur working then ya it worked. Hey Nebula you try doing it as well." Revally remarked. “Ok, lets see no no no no no yes. Why do I feel cold? I wonder if this one has ice powers." Nebula said in a raspy voice. Tristin finally woke up and chose a small alien with sound and cloning powers. Revally chose a diamond alien that can alter its body to make weapons. “Ok let's go help the other campers.” Nebula said. It took what felt like an eternity because Seth was slow, but it was only five minutes it was some of the forever knights. “ok should be easy.  Hey you! Yeah! Urg.” Seth shouted while punching it into a tree Tristin was able to contain the bombs with his sound powers Revally stabbed with some spikes from his hands some Nebula froze some with her icy breath and Seth threw them into more trees. After about five minutes the forever knights retreated and Seth and his friends went back to camp.
     When they returned to camp it was very quiet, but Seth and Nebula could hear a person in the trees. “Hey guys, I think someone's here.” Said Nebula. “Come on out I know you're there.” "Well well well I guess my cover has been uncovered. Seth Tristin nice to see you have found your own ultimatrix. Your grandfather would be surprised to see them.” The stranger said in an old rough voice. “Nice to see you to Kevin eleven. How is grandpa?” Said Seth. “wait wait wait you two know him?” Nebula said, quite surprised. Yeah we know him, he is a friend of my grandfathers. So what brings you here in a not normal camping trip that not normal people do?” Said Tristin. “Asmuth wants to see you. All of you. We will leave tomorrow morning.” Kevin said. They all eventually went to bed. Some time late in the night Seth felt a shimmer in his head and woke up to find Nebula coming into his tent. “Oh you're awake I was seeing if anyone else was still awake. Um I understand if you don't want to but would you like to take a walk with me in the forest and maybe look at the stars after?” Asked Nebula. “Um sure I will be right out.” Seth replied. “Hu this is rare she rarely looks at the stars.” Little did they know that Revally heard them and decided to follow them. Later on the way up the mountain “Um Seth can I ask you something?” Asked Nebula. “You just did.” Seth said with a little bit of laughter in his remark. “Oh I guess I did. Well have you ever had a crush on someone out of curiosity.” “Um no I have not. Why have you?” “Um um. . .” before she could answer they heard a branch break. “Revally what are you doing here if you are eavesdropping then go back to camp.” Said Seth. “Ugh fine.” Groaned Revally. So he turned on his heels when Seth and Nebula turned around he followed them again but they saw this. “We told you to go to camp. Do you want to face me in a duel?” said Nebula. Revally turned around and headed back to camp. Eventually they reached the top of the mountain to a clearing. He also felt something that wasn't there before but he kept it to himself. Seth showed some consolidations to her and they played a game to see if you could make a shape out of the stars. After two hours of star gazing they headed back to camp and went back to bed.

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