Chapter six

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Seth has been saving the world for five years  and still couldn’t find Nebula. However in an unknown place known as the lost hex home to the zeti. This particular group of zeti was known as the deadly six and was partners with Vilgax. Four years after the arrival of Nebula she was kidnapped by the deadly six and was being interrogated by the deadly six for the past year. “I told you she won’t crack we have been using a low voltage to give the tell us what we want and we will let you go message.” Said Zavok, the leader of the deadly six. “Kaos you finally showed up. What took your head so long?” “I had to break out of cloud cracker prison I have had a harder time taking over the skylands ever since Tristin came around.” Replied Kaos. “Question Kaos why did use a memory erasing portal to transport the girl to our dimension?” Asked Zavok. “It's not like I could help it the dimension hop portals here have a fifty fifty chance to wipe a person's memory of certain people. Again not my fault.” Replied Kaos angrily. “Well anyway zomnom came back with lunch after the lunch break we get back to memory watching so see you all next week. Ok lunch time and plotting on the attack on Sonic.” Said Zavok sisterly. Meanwhile Seth and Tails were working on a quinjet for Seth. “Ok lets try increase the power input by twenty percent and bump up extra power storage by twenty percent as well" instructed Tails. “Got it in order to get in there I would have to shrink. Hum let me try a galvin. Go Grey Matter!” Said Seth. “Ok lets see. No no no yes. Ok trying it now. Ow ow ow. It works. Time for test fly.” “Ok only people who have turbo energy should be able to start it up. If our calculations are correct and they usually are it should start up easily. And there is enough room to travel with the team plus a few more.” Said Tails. “Just be safe ok pal don't get into trouble.” “Can't make any promises I am like a magnet for trouble sometimes. Ok see you soon Tails.” Seth replied. He soon took off to find Nebula. “Ok let's look in sector six we haven't been there yet and judging by the weird sphere on the map that Sonic, Sonia, and Manick put together for us we should find her soon. I hope" said Steel “Yeah good idea buddy. Let's head there.” Seth replied.  After what felt like hours they finally arrived at the mysterious lost hex. Seth stepped out of his jet and was in aw with what he saw from the inside of his nanotech spider suit. “Wow so astounding. Wait hang on I am getting heat signatures coming from that cave way over there. Well guess it is good we brought our web shooters with us we can swing on over. At least I have the spider sense so I don't really have to look where I’m going too much so that I can admire the landscape. So let go.” Seth said. They finally reached the cave and heard something like a scream so they went in to investigate. “Um do you think it might be a good idea if I transform? Well anyways, why don't I use my merlinisapien chamalien.” Seth said “good thing I have camouflage power that come in handy when on stealth mission.” They went in invisible so that wouldn't be seen. After a long search they came across a surprise. “Finally we found her. We found Nebula, but who’s that guy. Wait I can hear something I need to be closer.” Seth hissed. “Well you're lucky we have to eat lunch now however we will get what we want, you can't hide anything from the great Zavok. Let's hope this time he didn't bring sandwiches again.” Said Zavok. “Now let plot for the attack on Sonic.” “Well that can't be good we need to warn the others, but let me get her out of here. Ha didn't turn off the system spared me the time of turning into upgrade huh. Ok come on let's get you back to the quinjet shall we” Seth said. They soon got back the quinjet. “Ok easy does it easy does it ok I hope you're comfy. See ya when you wake up Nebula.” Said Seth. They all got back home. Sonic was glad and upset that seth brought his friend back but was worried that maybe the Zeti brainwashed her. “Sonic why are so worried about her she is fine I have known here for twenty years dude come on she won't harm us. Huh, Blaze! What's wrong with what happened?” Seth said panicked. “Your so called friend knocked out Siver.” Blaze said worried. “ and she is going to get roasted!” “Wait don’t she turned into a Crystalsapien. If you throw a fireball at her she will absorb it. The only way to put her out of commision is if I do it. I am going to use my Thep Khufan. Ok go Snare-oh.” Seth said. “OK, let's do this I haven't had much practice with snare-oh, but I am good enough to use him right in a fight.” Seth said. When he looked up, he saw a hole in the wall. “Oh no you you don't. You're not going anywhere Nebula hah looks like even I know how to turn back to your human form. We aren’t here to hurt you, but help you. Plus don't you recognize me. Stop squirming.” Seth said while struggling to restrain her. “If you're here to help me then put me down! I promise not to run away ok. Please just put me down and no I don't know you. Frankly I don't even know how I got here. The last thing I remember is being captured by the deadly six. They tortured me for answers I didn't even know the answers to.” Nebula said. So Seth put her down so that he could fix the wall. “Ugh I'm going to get some air. Even after you fixed the wall it's a little stuffy in here. I'll be in the front yard.” Said Shadow. After a few minutes of Nebula getting to know Sonic and his friends. Nebula, Sonia, and Amy went to the kitchen to make dinner. “Wow Nebula I didn't see you had web shooters on your wrists like Seth! I bet they make things easier to reach huh?” Said Sonia. “Yeah they really do. Hear use this it will bring out more of the flavor.” Said Nebula. “Well I'll go tell Shadow that dinner is ready.” Said Sonia. “AAAAAAAAAH! I said if something landed on or to close to me I would kill it or them in this case!” Shadow shouted so loud the whole neighborhood heard him. “What is going on Shad-'' Seth said, but stopped abruptly when he saw what almost crushed Shadow. “Tristin, Revally. GUYS  it’s so good to see you again!” Said Seth happily. “Yeah great to see you brother. Have you found Nebula yet?'' Tristin asked. “I thought you would ask that. We have a problem on our hands. She Uum lost her memories of us and won't know who you two are. Soooo yeah. Why don't you stay for dinner?” Seth said. “Yeah sure plummeting out of the sky from a wormhole really empties the stomach. Am I right.” Laughed Revally. Everyone laughed at this. Well when I mean everyone I mean everyone, but Shadow. After dinner they did the dishes they sat down Tristin and Revally told Nebula about themselves and were filled in on the situation. After a movie and more talking they went to bed.

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