Chapter four

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After they arrive at the academy they meet Eon the headmaster of the place. He was a wise old man with a short version of Dumbledore's beard. “Well you four have told quite the tale. Why don't you rest at the residence of the skylanders you meet this morning.” Eon suggested. They all agreed and were all resting in the home of the skylanders. However, they were interrupted by a news broadcast  saying that Kaos was terrorizing the “The Super Secret Society Of Super Secrets" in scollor vill.  Like usual I took a jet vac for an hour to start up his supercharger. So in the meantime Seth, Revally, Tristin, and Nebula told them about some of their aliens while spyro, eruptor told them about Kaos. Finally they got there and headed to a castle in the town known as the “castle that holds the Helm of ultimate wisdom” little did they know it was the home of horde of monsters. They did get notified by a giant flying head. “Hahahahaha hahahahaha!!! Well if it isn't the skylanders and whoever you four are. Anyway you can't stop me from getting my hands and head on the helm of ultimate wis-dom!  Hahahahahahahahahaha!” Said Kaos. After that they decided to transform into some aliens Seth turned into a Methanosian named SwampFire, Revally chose a Arachnichimp named Spidermonkey, Tristin selected a Arburian Pelarota named Cannonbolt, Nebula didn't transform since she was a very skilled fighter on here own. After many monsters and hearing Kaos screaming later. They hit a dead end and saw the helm of ultimate wisdom as well as Kaos’ head and his doom lander. “At last the helm of ultimate wis-dom. Thank you sooooo much for leading me right to it! Doomlander attack!” Shouted Kaos. “With pleasure ugh!?” Groaned the Doomlander. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, how could you this isn't over.” Said Kaos after a walking and talking octopus man appeared. “Well I see you are stronger than I thought. No matter if I will deal with you some other time. In the meantime, I will see you in the next dimension. As your little push you will lose the girl to the new world. Astalavista see you soon.” The man said in a gurgly voice and raised his hand and heard Nebula screaming then The man left and the only clue was with a location. They went back to Eon and filled him in. “Oh my poor girl. I only have enough power for only one person right now.” Asked Eon worriedly. “I’ll go. I will go look for her and there is no stopping me, ''said Seth. After he said his goodbyes Eon sent him to the next dimension.
     It was a normal hot summer day at the beach. Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends were eating their lunch. Sonic was a blue hedgehog and was twenty-one years of age. He is also the fastest thing alive in his dimension. “Hey so what do you want to do after lunch?” Asked Sonic. “Well I was thinking we could do some volleyball.” Said Blaze. She was a purple cat with Pyrokinesis (fire powers). “Yeah why not. We could do boys vs girls.” Said Silver. He was a silver hedgehog and had Psychokinesis and was also from two hundred years in the future. They all decided on volleyball after playing for awhile the boys were winning until a wormhole opened up they all stopped playing at the sight of this thing. “What in the world is that!” Said Shadow he was a black hedgehog with red streaks on his head with chaos powers. “I think something is coming out of it and headed right at.” Said a two tailed fox named tails.

(Haha cliffhanger)

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