broken memories (13)

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It was a second trip to the hospital section of Hellsing in one span of 24 hours. This time it required Pip and a blanket wrapped around Angelica. Her psychometric ability wouldn't stop functioning due to Alucard's throne. The First Vampire was intrigued to find out what the young investigator saw and sensed but his Master ordered him far away from Miss Black. He was reminded Miss Black hates vampires and that she should not have been in Alucard's quarters. Sir Hellsing didn't believe it was all Angelica's fault.

It was Alucard and he was known to bend rules exceptionally well but not technically break the rule. Integra did now see how the old vampire was even more 'cagie' with his answers than her suspicious mind could fathom.

Angel woke in the hospital again to confusion. Dr. Pine looked up from his desk. "Wasn't I in Alucard's room?"

The doctor stood up and walked over. "Yes, do you remember how you got there?"

"I got scared and stupidly ran to his room. I don't know why I thought I would be safe from a night terror by an elder vampire. No, the First Vampire..."

The doctor placed his fingers on her wrist to check her pulse. "You had a brush with an unknown monster that tried to pull you into another world. Alucard is a monster but you know what he is and what he is mostly going to do. The supernatural you know versus the one you don't..."

"I thought that but then I have seen people rationalize a lot of shit to justify their actions," she said.

"You seem well but I have a test I need you to take first before I release you, " Dr. Pine said. " Let me see your hand."

Angelica tentatively put her hand out. She saw an object in his hand. "No, not a good idea Dr. Pi..."

"We need to see how sensitive your psychometry is still. I picked an object with happy memories attached."

The psychic swallowed then took the object in her right hand. She saw a child playing in a yard happily. Angelica got a smile on her face and laughed but Dr. Pine wasn't laughing. The hospital room wasn't the hospital room but the memory. Her psychic ability was so powered up that he saw the memory as real and all around to interact in but he is a ghost in a memory.

"Miss Black, you need to hand the small toy back to me," Dr. Pine was trying not to scare his patient but he was scared never having experienced something like this.

Angel couldn't hear Dr.Pine so she swung her feet off the bed and started to chase after the blonde haired child. "Wait Samuel! You're running too fast for me!"

Angelica opened the door somehow then began to run down the long hall from the hospital wing. "Samuel! Stop running so fast! I want to play too!"

She whined as if she was a child Samuel's age of 8. Walter and Sir Integra heard Angelica calling out to the boy. As her body passed down the hall, the memory replaced the surroundings of Hellsing manor. Now Integra and Walter were part of the memory.

Alucard was stirred from his slumber by his Master yelling in his mind. He sensed a ripple in what can best be called reality or the real world. He reminded Integra he was banned to stay in the basement. Sir Hellsing used some swear words and ordered him to get upstairs now. The Vampire King phased up to see the psychic slowly running.

"Samuel! Don't you hide! Momma told you not to hide from me..."

Alucard now saw the issue as the hall changed to this memory Miss Black was tied to. With a flick of his mind his smothering shadow tendrils wrapped around Angel. "Angelica I am going to take control of the memory but your need to relax your mind..."

Angel looked around, "Who are you? Why can't I see you?"

The Shadow King pushed more into her mind to appear, in the memory, as Vlad. The old vampire was trying to appeal to the little girl's love, that Angelica's mind was in, of Prince Charming. Angelica stopped and looked at Vladcard. She bowed and started addressing him in badly spoken Romanian again. Vladcard strolled quickly to the young woman and wrapped his arms around her. The shadows enveloped the both of them like heavy black liquid wings.

"Angel I am going to count down from three now. This memory will stop and you will come back to me. Do you understand?"

Angelica nodded her head and stared into Vlad's eyes.

"3...2..1..." His fingers moved in front of her heavy eyes. Angelica returned but she couldn't keep standing. Alucard changed to his current look and held her.

"Don't touch me! Let go!" she yelled then turned to a plea. "You have to not touch me! Everyone and everything I touch will start the psychometry once and I can't control it! It's never been this strong!"

"The gloves, you wear the gloves for that reason besides fist fights.."Alucard raised an eyebrow.

"Yes elder vampire..."

"Can Walter set a room up with fresh washed sheets that hasn't been used for awhile if cleaned?" the Vampire asked with a hint of concern, in his molten red swirling colored eyes.

"It should help with me wearing some of my clothes," Angel looked around her, at Alucard then the shadows around them. "Can you make your shadows neither good nor evil, just a blanketing form?'

Unholy King tilted his head as a wicked smile crossed his pale lips. "It's more or less what I am doing now. I am shielding us. My Master will have to lift her order not to touch you or be near you."

"Okay Alucard, " Angel just looked at him then blinked.

"That simple? No fight?" his fangs peek from a smug smile. "Surely it can't be that easy...?"

Angel looked away from his intense gaze, "It seems it is. You must be overjoyed."

"Draga mea, I will be when I know you are no longer struggling with this ability...believe it or not, I am concerned for you. It is probably why you were attacked through the mirror. You are a conduit," Unholy King put a protective look on his face but he can't quite pull it off.

There's just that hint of arrogance and smugness that slipped through the acting. "Angel go and get dressed then join me below. I need to speak to my Master."

Angelica turned on her bare he'd and headed to the basement immediately. Alucard strolled up to Sir Hellsing as it was nighttime and a full moon was out. The grin on his face was frightening to say the least.

He bowed to Integra, "My Master it would be best if Miss Black resides with me and stays at my side unless a high level vampire, on a job. She is too vulnerable to having her 'gift' go off."

"Alucard. You are up to something! I said not broken and that means her mind intacted too. Her superior might just succeed in killing you. I swore I would keep her away from you. I would keep her safe from you, " Sir Hellsing glared. "I will not approve of this."

"Of course my Master but should a channeled memory that is less than pleasant such as what was that demon lord's name? Baphomet, that was it or you could just have me execute her, as a threat to Hellsing."

"Alucard I am not having you execute a perfectly good employee that is being borrowed! I will send her back before I allow you to do such a thing!" Sir Hellsing huffed. "That settles it, she goes back to America but not because Miss Black failed. Hellsing failed to keep the pet vampire on a short enough leash. Do you know how this will look for Hellsing, Alucard?"

"That is not my concern, Master. It is to hunt freaks and keep Hellsing safe, especially you. The girl is a danger to Hellsing and my Master..."

"Fine. Don't try to kill her and actually do try to keep Miss Black alive..."

"But of course Master, " Alucard bowed with a chuckle with a more evil sounding side.

Alucard removed his hat and shook his head to length his hair. He could do it without a show but why not? Angelica met the elder vampire at the door to go to his quarters. She had her gear in her arms.

"Didn't you have shorter hair Master vampire?"

Alucard paused to hold his hand out, palm up, "My appearance is of no importance. I looked like a 14 year old girl in the war..."

"Angelica looked him in the face, "That's just creepy..." then headed down the stairs.

"You of all people should remember I'm a powerful vampire so I should be creepy don't you think?" he grinned with shark teeth as if to make a 'point'.

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