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This is a heckin parody brought to you by how it all began and how gon got gonerhrea.
gaybit lesbian and herman youbungus watched twilight and we decided to force gabe itch to help write a better one.

Gaybit notes
Gaybit is really mad that gabe itch did not watch twilight so she forces gabe itch to help write a better one but gabe itch refused to watch twilight
Even though he was obviously free when he watched the entire playlist of wedm collections then say he was free and even though he watched it twice i hate how he looks. Hes so dumb and a bad friend and i know he stole my lego star wars 2 game and he refused to give it back he has a big chin and hes gay!1!1! I HATE GABE ITCH SO IM FORCING HIM TO WRITE THIS

Herman Youbungus, GayBit Lesbian, and not Gabe Itch all watched the entirety of the Twilight Saga, so we decided to re-write the entire thing. Gabe Itch insisted that he watched it even though the SAME night we told him to, he sent an entire Webm playlist on our Discord at 3:00 am and had the audacity to tell us the next day he didn't have enough free time. There were so many times he could've watched it. And over the course of 3 months no less. We WERE supposed to release it on Halloween as a little surprise for the people who loved How It All began, BUT NOOOOOOOOO he was too caught up in trying to get his own writing career started with his Schindler's List Steven Universe AU parody, like that's ever gonna happen. 3 months, 3 fucking months, only for him to churn out a paragraph and a half and later complain he didn't have enough ideas for it. So why did you have to lie about it, cunt? I know you're reading this. How in the fuck can someone with no job, no school, and zero bitches have no freetime? What are you doing? Looking for more dumb memes to spam everyone? It's fucking annoying, everyone has told you and you still don't stop. I have no idea why we even considered you to help us write this thing and expect you to even contribute a single sentence, fuck you Gabe.

-In Loving Memory of Mahatma Gahndi

Gabe Itch notes:
I did most if the work on How it all Began, HAHAH SUCK A LEMON, I AM INEVITABLE. I have exactly 1.5 bitches, thank you very much, and what I do in my free time is too cool and awesome you to possibly fathom. You'll never understand my edgy midnight walks and sword-licking obsession because I don't waste my time watching movies based on books based on some middle-aged woman's horny fever dreams.

- In loving memory of Filbert the Minecraft Rabbit.

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