Oh Man...

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Lin's POV:

It's been about a few weeks since we found out that Pip was pregnant and we all moved from Hawai'i all the way back to New York. Once everybody got home, it was already morning. But, Pip felt a bit nauseous and I felt bad because of the long flight and jet lag so I decided to let Pip rest that day.

One day, I came back from the store and when I saw Pip, I literally dropped the groceries.

I saw Pip on the couch, holding her stomach and breathing quite hard, taking gasping breaths.

"PIP!! Oh man...Pip, we gotta go!!", I said.

"Wait!!", Pip said. Then, her eyes went wide. I saw that the entire area around her was wet. Oh God. Her water just broke. I helped her up and said, "Nope, we gotta go!!"

I frantically grabbed my phone and dialed 911. I told the operator about Pip while trying to get her in the car gently. After I painstakingly managed to get Pip in the car gently, I jogged around the car and hopped in the driver's seat, carefully left the driveway, and sped to the hospital.

After we got to the hospital, I told the doctors about it and they quickly (but gently) grabbed Pippa and laid her on a bed and went straight into operation.

I took a deep breath, raking my fingers through my hair. I walked into the hospital church and took a deep breath. Ahh, I loved this feeling. (I don't know if Lin is religious IRL...well, I'm pretty sure he is, but idk) I felt, calm. I saw a giant goblet filled with holy water and I dipped my two fingers in it and tapped my forehead, my chest, and my shoulders. (Sorry, idk if this is the spiritual practice of some people. Sorry if this is offensive to others, I'm not Hispanic but I love their culture. So, yeah.)

I then sat down on one of the chairs and started praying. "Dear God, it's me, Lin-Manuel. Just wanted to say gracìas for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me y mì fámilia. I know I don't ask much for myself, that I mostly pray for the well-being of others. But, I am asking this one time. Please, Lord, all I ask is to help me be strong during this time. Please, my amor, Phillipa, needs your help. But, please, just give me a sliver of strength to endure this occurrence. Please? Once again, I thank you for the blessings you've given in the lives of many families, including mines. I say this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen."

I opened my eyes and felt a unusual breeze fly through my body. I sighed and got up. I decided to quickly go back to the house and grab the things I bought for the baby today and zoom straight back to the hospital. Once I did that, I found out that Pip was done with operation, the baby was healthy and it was a boy...but...she unfortunately was in a coma...my entire world fell apart.

I fell to my knees, the bag slung on me and I buried my head in my hands, while the doctor placed a hand on my shoulder. The doctor walked me to the room that Pip was in and left.

I sighed and kissed Pip's forehead. I cried, tears streaming down my face and I tried to calm down, remembering my prayer earlier. So, I decided to chill and go to sleep...

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