Java📌 (NamJin)

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Author's PoV

9 am
The cruise ship is docked at Java East port. Tourists are slowly getting out to roam the city. The ship is gonna be here for 4 days.

Taehyung had stayed in Jungkook's empty cold room for the entire 3 days which felt so foreign now....

He had barely eaten or moved from his spot. He was given food only because Mi-na knew that Jungkook would ask if his *medicines* were being given properly or not. There were dark circles and his weight reduced
drastically in this short span... He would have anxiety attacks but he suffered all by himself.

Only Mi-na visited him and every time Tae's tiny light of hope for "Jungkook calling him and telling it was all a joke" sparkled, he got disappointed

Even Mi-na's kind voice had changed....


Tae barely had any energy to do anything... Poor baby had even caught a fever.

Mi-na dragged Tae off from the bed, did her best to put as much make up as possible to cover up his weakness and ordered...

"LISTEN TO ME... Jungkook doesn't want you so don't make things difficult for him. Got that?"
She was holding onto Tae's feeble arms so damn hard that there were red marks on his skin

"What the fuck is wrong with you? It's just a bit of fever..blind fag...If by chance you meet him, give a smile and move along. Any questions? "

Can you call Ggukie...or..or can I see him for one last time? I will tell him goodbye from afar. I want to thank him for being kind to me...I swear I won't touch him and I will maintain my distance so that I don't catch his smell... Please... One last time
Tae managed to say while sobbing quietly

"Geez aren't you one hell of a slut? He said he despises you yet you still want to get his dick...Why? got yourself a rich sugar daddy and can't get enough of his money....This luxury? It's difficult specifically for drainage rats like you, I understand. NO YOU CAN'T MEET HIM. HE'S BUSY. I'm dropping you off at the port. You will meet your brother there."

Just once..Plea-pl...


NO means a NO"
As Mina dragged him out of the cruise as quickly as possible

Office room
Same day, 9:30am

Office roomSame day, 9:30am

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