Arrival and Departure

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Morning at 6:30am (the next day)

Jungkook's PoV

Wake up plum! Mi-na will be here any moment

I gave small kisses on his head. He's so snuggled up. So delicate!

We have to go to the doctor at 8am!

Tae's Pov

My eyes shot open at the name of the doctor...

"I don't wanna go to the doctor. Please can I stay with you just for one more day please? I promise I will go to the doctor tomorrow"

Jungkook's Pov

No! Get up! We aren't avoiding this.

Knock! Knock!
Mi-na here Master. Ms Suzy and Ms Solar are with me

There you go! They are here.
I got up and opened the doors for them.

Get him ready.

Tae's Pov

But I don't wanna go... No nooo...nooooooo!! Pleass nooooo!!!


I immediately reverted back at his annoyed voice and did just as was told, mumbling quietly.

I was dolled up just like the day he bought me...

"Ggu-kkie? Could...could you carry me just like the day you brought me here? "

Jungkook's PoV

"Come over baby bear! Are you that scared? Causing trouble

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"Come over baby bear!
Are you that scared? Causing me & others"

I asked as I picked him up, holding him above one hand as he had his arms around my shoulders and head just beside my neck...

"Sure you are! haha" He stenches of burnt milk.... "What a baby''
I smiled, as I patted his back to calm him.

Tae's Pov

I'm upset more than scared but I simply nodded my head in response. He had to get rid off of me one day.

Though I'm really doubtful on the same.... I don't think Ggukie will do anything
(Tae's mind was a playground of his own insecurities and his conscience telling him to give the Alpha a chance)

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