Is it all a Dream?

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Tae's PoV

9:30 am

I put my hand aside to check upon Gguk as I was still drowsy...

Why does it feel cold and...?


My eyes shot open when I didn't find Gguk beside me

Did he leave me?
No he can't...
He won't.... Would he?

Gguk? Gguk?
Where are you?


Hey honey?
U awake?
The voice was soft, a woman!

Where is Jungkook?

As I started to move back and curl up my legs, worried, it might be the maids I used to wake up to every morning , before they thrashed me down the bed after which Chen dragged me off from the hotel room.

Who is this?
I asked timidly.

Oh! I'm so sorry actually Master Jeon appointed us. Come here everyone! Introduce yourselves.

What a relief!

I heard three different voices along with her. Two women and one man.

Hello, I'm Suzy
I have been assigned to take care of your diet. Nice to meet you!

Hello! Solar here!
My job is to accompany you and help you in anything and everything.

I'm Ji-hyun ( Definitely A beta, he has no smell: Tae thought)
I'm your direct contact with Mr Jungkook. If you want to contact Master in person, I will take you to him. Nice to meet you.

And finally I am.....


Sorry, Master Taehyung. It's only in case of an emergency, the woman interrupted before Mr Jihyun could speak...

I'm Park Mi-na. I'm your nurse and governess.

She's so rude. I just wanted to meet Gguk, what's so wrong with that? (Tae thought)

So Master Taehyung do you want to take a bath? I smell many things apart from your cocoa buttery smell...

The other nurses started giggling at this

I heard Solar whisper "Awwww look at him, he's cherry red. What do you think Master did to him last night?"

I tried to cover my ears and cheeks getting embarrassed...

All of them were going awws and oooos....This is so so shameful. Why did Ggukie appoint them without informing me? I'm not a baby!

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