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Warning: 18+ content ahead📌
Loooooonnggg chap...

Tae's PoV

Ggukie is back...
I wanted to rush to him but I figured letting him come to me was the better option as I might stumble again...

Jungkook's Pov

I saw him waiting, wearing an all pink outfit, looking absolutely delicious, so I took even more time....for him to grow impatient. I unfastened my neck tie, dropping it on the bed while opening the first few buttons of my shirt and belt, making sure he was able to hear the sound of the ruffles and clicking...

Tae's PoV

Is he undressing himself?
Why is he being so late?


Meanwhile Jungkook just stands in front of the bed and smirks...

I can't wait anymore...

I'm coming to you, I spoke, as I spread my arms trying to feel the things around me and walk to him.

Jungkook's Pov

Oh No! No! no no no no! The stairs! The stairs! Tae stop!

I quickly ran to grab him just before he would stumble on them

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I quickly ran to grab him just before he would stumble on them.

As I picked him up, bridal style, to take him to the bed upstairs, I felt soft hands on my face...

What are you doing babe?

Tae's Pov

I hope I don't offend him but I need to know how he looks. Therefore I tried to outline his eyes, nose, ears and lips by mentally drawing up an image of his, using my fingers... He's got lotus shaped eyes, a bunny nose and his lips are...

Hey!! that tickles! stop kissing my fingers! I kept smiling

Jungkook's Pov

I figured what he was trying to do. I wanted to hear him giggle though...

"Well that was the best way to let me see you smile! "

He got shy

Tae's Pov

He made me sit on the bed and handed me something.

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