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Warning: Sexual content ahead🔞

                    Tae's PoV

         Should I have said no?

This damn wolf of mine is itself confused. Aren't wolves supposed to know what to do...

Suddenly I felt the cold ac air brush against my skin...my shirt had already been unbuttoned

Two strong rough lips landed on mine.

He licked them and started pulling onto my lower lip playfully. I got several more soft kisses around my lips, chin, jawline and nose.

I was enjoying all this so much!

But then everything stopped

I was so deep in my insecurities that I missed what he was actually demanding for, till I heard his husky deep voice again

"Won't you open your mouth for me, darling?"

Calm down Tae
Just calm down
He's probably putting up an act
(just open them otherwise he would force them open anyway)

"I'm so-sor-ry, I didn't re-ali-se" as I parted my lips giving him access

He chuckled
" You know I have never made love like this, rather never "made love" at all. There was only the body but here I'm looking at your oceanic pearly eyes with the utmost love and care, sure that you're tensed about something. You don't trust me,do you?"

I believe you, I said. ( ...I want to but I can't nor will I ever believe anyone ever again)

He chuckles,

"Then why are you so anxious?"

I'm... I'm just a...

Before I could finish he kissed me again, as if reading my hesitation to answer him

Somehow I felt weird... Wait tears? Is he crying?
Hah that's not possible right?

He kissed me softly but ironically didn't go rough or leave bruises as others, to make up for the payment as high as he did.

I could even taste his salty tears
but before I could react, my mind just unexpectedly drifted off...som..e..whe...re


Jungkook's PoV

Why am I crying?
I'm a prime for God's sake but the pain, the fears, the sufferings and the horror that I felt as I kissed him is so shattering....

I will make sure he doesn't have to go through all of that ever again


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