This is Jeon Jungkook

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Guys a suggestion: If you can switch your theme to black in wattpad, it will heighten the effects cause I have used photos according to the black background! Enjoy;)



Jungkook ran down the stairs forgetting there was a thing called a 'lift'

Yoongi was just passing by, but seeing the frenzy Prime, he ran after him

Author's PoV
italics Yoongi
✒ normal Jungkook

Wait Jungkookah!! What happened? You look like as if you have seen a ghost or something!

Yoongi hyung! Hyung! They took my baby from right under my nose! I..I ....I don't know what to do (almost on the verge of crying)

Calm down first. Tell me what happened.

He was in my room ,it stenches of....of burnt milk odour he releases....when he's scared and terrified. I couldn't even get to smell was so cleansed and he... He...
Park Mi-na



The very next moment,

Yoongi was frantically running after Jungkook and talking with the other clients telling not to worry about anything, as Jk was shouting at the top of his Alpha voice, running from one floor to another, which was scaring many guests.

Jin and Namjoon also heard the commotion but before they could come out Jungkook was already on the next floor

Security: Yes sir, you called for us?

Jungkook: Where the fuck were you all huh? Why do I pay you guys so high?

Jungkook in an uncontrollable rage and panic held onto the throat of one of the security guards and ordered...

You know what's going to happen if I don't find Taehyung today?
(His eyes red and menacing)

I'm gonna rip all of your heads one by one and trust me even the Law Forces can't stop me (as his grip got tighter and tighter)

Grab and bring that wretch PARK MI-NA RIGHT NOW! ALIVE or BROKEN!

"Jungkook stop! You're gonna kill him! You're scaring the guests! STOP IT"
Yoongi held onto his brother's arm and tried his best to move it which the other agreed to because more the people, more are the chances of getting Taehyung quicker.

*The guard fell down with a loud thud*

As if on cue, one of the security brought Jungkook's jacket which Mina had (taken from Chen and) carefully thrown away in the sea thinking no one would find it but unfortunately for her it got caught in the one of the life saving boats which were lowered for test runs as the cruise stayed docked at the port. The guard was a sub alpha and he recognized his master's smell in the jacket perfectly.

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