Fuck You Alpha!

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Author's PoV
🌸Normal Jungkook & Taehyung
❄️Italics Seonghwa

Sir how did you get so many and this quick?

I shouldn't be obliged to answer these questions however my pride, Ariel has a helipad (A/N show off 😎) And I do have contacts with major hospitals so there's that. Hence tell me....

These eyes?

(Seonghwa was impressed by Jk and disappointed at the sane time, that despite being omega eyes they weren't suiting the smaller)
No sir. These won't work

How about these? I have got 7 sets. Wasn't much difficult but if they don't work out...

No... None of them are suiting him unfortunately

Goddd! I want him to see me... Do something Doctor please!

Sir this isn't in my hands. If his body doesn't accept it, it's pointless....

Fine. I will get more...
(Jk faintly smiles and Tae just got upset. He finally thought he could get his vision back)

T: Doctor... Don't you have those glasses?

What glasses Mr Taehyung?

T: The ones which Jimin had! I could see clearly....

Wait! Jimin had glasses and you could see clearly? Why didn't you tell me earlier

T: You didn't ask me Alpha

Well... Umm! Seonghwa any idea? (Thinks about his earlier conversation with Nj)

Not much sir. But I think he had been given smart glasses. There's a talk amongst the government officials that they are developing some sort of technique to bestow vision to the blind. I heard it would be launched in the market soon but don't know more than this....

Can you find out? I mean get me one if possible? I would pay you more than you can imagine

Umm... Sir I might need time. Give me 3-4 days

2 days.

But sir... I..

In case you forgot, I know Namjoon. So obey as long as I'm being polite otherwise your legal certificate as a doctor might get terminated, career ruined, no mate I don't know... Anything could happen! It's not safe these days you know

Yes sir, I understand. I'm doing what I can...

Author's PoV
Scene: Jungkook's Office

☘Members: Jk and Yoongi
🥀Tae was sitting outside in the waiting room

Jungkook looked at his Hyung as he closed the door and the Prime made a call to Jimin

Jimin, I want to be with my omega during the procedures. I want to watch over each and everything

But Jungkook that's not allowed

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