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Jungkook's PoV

Italics "Seokjin"
♟Normal Jungkook


Jin hyung actually I went to the auction yesterday...I bowed guiltily.

I bowed guiltily

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"You WHAT?"

Despite me being an Alpha, Jin hyung scared me like my mum.

I'm sorry. I bought him from there ...ac-actually he wa-was bruised and people were eyeing him so bad. And I-I were I don't know what came over me, his pheromones they were all ov-over the place like...th...



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B-But if I hadn't been there, the omega might hav-have been...

"That's the precise reason why I'm sparing you today

But I'm gonna talk with Yoongi and Joon about this outrageous behaviour of yours. Don't you get it? You have responsibilities, a reputation to maintain and you have bought yourself a hoe?"

That gave a sharp pang to my heart and I uncontollably growled at Hyung :

Jin got intimidated a bit,his voice now wavering
"You're using your Alpha voice on me?"

I suddenly realised what I had done...Nooo-nooo hyung I didn't mean that, jus-just Don't call him a hoe. He's just so sweet an-and...

"Ah ok I get it. You like that omega right? What's his name? But I'm gonna complain to Joon about your voice as well hmph!"

I-I don't know. They only called him Tae Exclusive.

"Wtf? You say you like him and you don't know his name?"

I umm kinda , you know got attracted to his pheromones and my wolf kinda you know...

"Howled? Ufff let's go to him

The boy must be scared"

Scene: Inside the room
✒italics Seokjin
✒normal Taehyung

Tae's PoV

Tae was sitting on the edge of the bed now, with a red blanket covering his bare legs and tanks.
He was in an oversized white shirt, making him look even more tiny.

What's your name honey?

I heard the soft voice and I immediately knew it was Seokjin....

Kim Tae-Taehyung

So this brat bought you, you know that right?

"Yes he told me"
I mumbled.

Are you okay staying here or do you wanna shift to some other room? You would walk fine, I have treated your wounds hon.

"B-But Hyung, I promise not to touch him if he doesn't want me to. Why can't he stay?"
the Alpha grumbled

For obviously PRIVACY!

I giggled a bit at this unexpected behaviour, an omega shouting at an Alpha, never had I experienced this behaviour.

"No thank you hyung, I can stay here. I'm sure I would be fine. I have responsibilities, he bought me after all."

Oh no honey! You don't need to think about that, you can always...
But Seokjin was abruptly cut off.

Jk: "He's my Omega!!"
Strong bulky hands swiftly picked me up again

Okay okay! If Tae's comfortable then I have no problem.
Don't forget your meds baby!
He patted my head softly
And with that Seokjin swiftly exited the room just as swiftly as he had entered.

Jungkook's PoV



Now what shall we do? I stared at him not expecting him to know I was staring.

"Would you please...stop looking at me like that?"

How the.. how did you know?

'I just know'

I slowly sat down, with him on my lap, turning him so that his face was in my direction.
Surprisingly he wrapped his legs around my waist without hesitation, a pink flush reappearing on his cheeks.

Was he accepting me?

Tae's PoV:

I know he's just after my body. He will discard me as soon as he's done. Who would love someone like me anyway? I have been used up and made dirty so many times.

It's only a matter of time till gets bored and sells me off...

All promises are fake. Till then I can pretend at least to accept him and just keep my fingers crossed that he doesn't hurt me.

As I was lost in thought, I suddenly felt a soft peck on my lips. I was surprised.

No one had ever been so soft with me.

Jungkook's PoV

I could say he was startled by my sudden move, the pink on his cheeks now darkening to red.
God! They look like apples, I wanna chew them...

And with that I started leaving small pecks all over his face


I'm feeling single

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